QLD DVO against ex who is using social media to intimidate me.

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Well-Known Member
9 November 2017
He is an ex-officer, and every time I would report him or charge him with an assault, would go nowhere. I survived a lot worse than just corruption in the police force, but that is my life story, I am not afraid of anyone but God.

Corruption is everywhere, any illusion that corruption is much less here than other places is not reality.
As your other half is an ex-officer, you need to be very clear when you approach the police. Present evidence that are far and above beyond reasonable doubt. Objective evidence without the need for context or situational information. It would be very very rare for such a case to occur and linking up with advocacy groups for support and action would likely be more helpful rather than seeking validation and procedural justice from police.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Just a thought - Don't bother with the cops. See I do think they're contacting him. They have to do something. They think calling him and warning him is ok... So in your world there are 10-15 -20 MORE? breaches. But if each of them in itself is minor then each one is dealt with on its own... Until he does something major.

So my example... My ex had an avo on me. I bump into her at coles - Small town, only one shopping complex. She goes to the cops. I'm called in and spoken to... She claims i broke into the house and took her keys. I get called in and spoken to. She claims I'm taking clothes off the line. Called in - spoken to... Every time she complains I get called in. Eventually, the cops realise. She is trying to get me locked up. But each time the investigate. Now in my world eventually the cops realised. I could not keep leaving work because the cops wanted a chat. They were pretty cool (eventually). Now I'm in the opposite situation to you. See my ex was using the avo. It was a game. Now, I'm not accusing you of that. BUT - if each time you complain, the cops will do something. Probably speak to him, possibly just over the phone. BUT that is all. So what is he learning? He is learning how much he can get away with.

I don't accept the police corruption thing. If he is ex-police and has some poor form on his record the cops will treat him worse than the average punter.

Xena The Warrior Princess

Well-Known Member
3 June 2018
Just a thought - Don't bother with the cops. See I do think they're contacting him. They have to do something. They think calling him and warning him is ok... So in your world there are 10-15 -20 MORE? breaches. But if each of them in itself is minor then each one is dealt with on its own... Until he does something major.

So my example... My ex had an avo on me. I bump into her at coles - Small town, only one shopping complex. She goes to the cops. I'm called in and spoken to... She claims i broke into the house and took her keys. I get called in and spoken to. She claims I'm taking clothes off the line. Called in - spoken to... Every time she complains I get called in. Eventually, the cops realise. She is trying to get me locked up. But each time the investigate. Now in my world eventually the cops realised. I could not keep leaving work because the cops wanted a chat. They were pretty cool (eventually). Now I'm in the opposite situation to you. See my ex was using the avo. It was a game. Now, I'm not accusing you of that. BUT - if each time you complain, the cops will do something. Probably speak to him, possibly just over the phone. BUT that is all. So what is he learning? He is learning how much he can get away with.

I don't accept the police corruption thing. If he is ex-police and has some poor form on his record the cops will treat him worse than the average punter.
I wish you are right about this. But, I can assure you, he was never called or spoken to. He knows that he can get away with it all. I never reported him before, but I started a month ago as my late father's pictures were all over his FB page, that is the last straw for me. I never let him win and get my reaction. I was told by others how he was dragging my name and my families name through the mud, he is the nastiest person alive, but there are flying monkies in every story. Even when he injured me and I pressed the charges, he laughed at it and told the story of me being injured by one of my clients. Absolute lie. I used to be a very quiet person and just for the sake of having a peace in my life, I was not responding or reacting to any of he's manipulative technics. When I started reacting and telling him that I will be reporting it, he said I became "too oily" for him and that he lost the grip. This is all how it started. I let lot's of things to slide, and now I am not any longer. I am not comparing my situation with yours or anyone else's, everyone has a different story. I just want this man to stop contacting me, and he should use his lawyer if he wants to solve anything regarding settlement and divorce, I cannot even imagine having anything to do with a liar, thief and scammer in my life. It is being a long rocky road and I really don't want to get on it again.

Thank you for sharing your story with me, much appreciated it.


Well-Known Member
9 November 2017
if he wants to solve anything regarding settlement and divorce

Sounds like a very long road still if you haven't even gotten a divorce yet. Settlement will likely be dragged out if he is getting a rise now, and is dragging of your name out in social media. Maybe start blocking and cutting off all the mutual friends and family that fall for his provocative moves? Reduce the supply of attention and validation for provoking you. Also, doesn't sound like you have much support or advocacy at all, but you probably think you don't need any and can fight the system solo, fair enough? Hopefully it all works out though, at least be grateful that you don't have kiddies, if you did, it would be a 20 year or so slog of ongoing contact and parenting...

Xena The Warrior Princess

Well-Known Member
3 June 2018
Sounds like a very long road still if you haven't even gotten a divorce yet. Settlement will likely be dragged out if he is getting a rise now, and is dragging of your name out in social media. Maybe start blocking and cutting off all the mutual friends and family that fall for his provocative moves? Reduce the supply of attention and validation for provoking you. Also, doesn't sound like you have much support or advocacy at all, but you probably think you don't need any and can fight the system solo, fair enough? Hopefully it all works out though, at least be grateful that you don't have kiddies, if you did, it would be a 20 year or so slog of ongoing contact and parenting...
Who would you suggest as support or advocate in this matter? I ignored it for 2 years, I don't have any of his friends in my circles of friends. I have no kids with him, thanks to dear God, he hates himself until midday, and after midday, he hates the whole world. When you have no family, you learn how to really on your own strength. I believed that the justice will prevail and I would have some peace in my life, by the piece of paper given to me by the judge.....yeah right. When you lose trust, you just think that you are alone and that you better keep on a low key and continue paying his and your bills. It took me a long time to find him by an agent to serve him papers, he then sacked his lawyer and went in hiding again. So another time and money went wasted. Now, I want a divorce and I am going to take the papers to the court, if he turns up, as he never did before, so hopefully, his new lawyer will serve him and ask him to sign it. If you have better ideas where to seek support and advocacy please let me know.


Well-Known Member
9 November 2017

Xena The Warrior Princess

Well-Known Member
3 June 2018
Looks promising. ... Hopefully they will follow it up with a call regarding the outcome

For the first time, I had a phone call from the police and they said that all the staff haven't been properly logged in. I forwarded emails, that I did since March (which 2 police officers did nothing to finalise it) and the police officer stated that he has now enough evidence to charge him, I also stated that the charges I placed 2 years ago with all the relevant documents of the injuries were dropped but I will follow it up with CCC. Now they are trying to see why they were dropped in the first place, and they will review them (not holding my breath). I just watched the 60 minutes and what happened to one QLD DVO victim lady who had to do the job for the police and hire the barrister to get anywhere, it looks so familiar to me. I hope from now on, all the victims of DVO in Australia will see things being investigated by the CCC. I hope everyone sees justice and closer for the sake of them and their own family members who were affected by criminals who walk free and were not stopped on time. I hope to hear from you Atticus regarding this post.


Well-Known Member
6 February 2019
Can't comment on any CCC investigations, or 60 minutes (don't watch it) but I can say that the whole manner & process of family violence orders needs a serious review.. Not only so that the people who desperately need protection get it without police & court resources being wasted on frivolous & vexatious claims of FV, but also bring those who are found to be abusing the process under some consequence...

Good to hear that you are finally getting some attention from police & that charges are likley to follow..

Thanks for the feedback.