So why does FACS hate me so much? Is it because I don't respect myself? Are they jealous for what I stand for? Can my misses file an application to vary the advo possibly revoke, will community services turn on her, most likely saying "no no bad lil pawent, your not allowed to remain in love with that man for the sake of your child's safety" so going about it our business and having a family irrespective of whether mother father consider each other as husband wife. Can their actually be light at the end of the tunnel so long as both parties did all the requirements on the SOPP and then what happens? Something called a stagged approach , then what counselling through relationship Australia. Then individual becomes mutual and that also gets monitored .. however if the mother claims she has no feeling. Isif that a substantial claim to move on to other partners if an enhanced version were to appear that had partner qualities, I can have 2 wives right one registered and one registered in my heart? This so confusing I don't quite understand why the first wife never thought I would get better .. then I thought it community services