VIC Father seeking reunification

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Well-Known Member
27 July 2018
Am posting for a friend. Nil relation to previous posts (our situation resolved quite positively)

Father has not seen child since 3 years of age, child has just turned 10.
Father has had ocassional contact with mother since child was aged 5 requesting contact with the child. Mother was not ready to proceed and then ceased contacted, blocked father number.
Father has recently contacted a private mediator and the outcome is as below. I am hoping to bring back any feedback/advice/opinion/experience from this forum. If you read until the end and take the time to respond it is very much appreciated.

Father asked asked to start contact with child,
asked if mother could at least let child know that I’ve reached out and am available for whenever she’s ready,
Mother said child never questions or asks about father and for childs mental health mother doesn’t want to disrupt her well-being or way of life.
But when/if child asks about the father then mother will tell her that he is available and contact mediation or someone to start a process.
Father then asked if they could contact every couple of months to find out about child, or receive photos, mother said no contact as she’s in a relationship and she doesn’t want to jeopardise it. Mother explained no photos by explanation what if child never wants to see father, so does not want to give out her content without permission.
Father tried to reassure that he is a high functioning member of society kicking goals, clean, hard working and stable.
Father asked to financially contribute to child mother did not agree .

The mediator spoke to father afterwards and said -court not a good option, not good for child.
tried to say it’s a good thing as father has planted the seed that he is "here and waiting, serious and willing."


Well-Known Member
LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
24 September 2018
Hello Anon

If mediation failed and your friend wishes to see the child court is their only option.

It is not ideal, but from what you wrote in your post it seems that is the only option.

Court does not need to be a drawn out process, but at least your friend may be able to start family therapy with their child by order of the court.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Ok so mum did everything she could to stop dad seeing the kid back in the day? and he has continued to seek a reasonable resolution with the mum. BUT she refuses everytime?
The mediator's advice suxs.
Apply to court asap.
What a terrible situation, he has always wanted to be with his kid. SHE has always refused. Get to court and dont spare the horses.


Well-Known Member
6 February 2019
The mediator spoke to father afterwards and said -court not a good option, not good for child.
tried to say it’s a good thing as father has planted the seed that he is "here and waiting, serious and willing."
Was that the mediators legal advice, because they are not supposed to give legal advice, they are SUPPOSED to encourage BOTH parents to find a resolution consistent with the best interests of the kid/s .... Has there ever been any family violence issues, any issue that may warrant refusing contact?

Refusing a child it's right to a relationship with a parent without very good reason is a serious departure from what the family court considers to be in the best interests of a child.... did the mediator explain that to mum?

Call the mediator & get a s60I certificate that will allow you to apply to court if you choose... If you don't get the 60I within 12 months of your last session you will have to start mediation again to get one