Family of three left homeless for the weekend (at least) due to solicitors mistake.

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Active Member
16 July 2021
Hi everyone, we have a situation — we were in chain, selling and buying in the UK, solicitor who was dealing with the sale, exchanged and completed yesterday without getting a green light from solicitor who was dealing with our purchase. And there is a delay on our purchase exchange and completion due to some errors in the Land Registry plans that solicitor of the sellers property we are buying got last minute Wednesday, tried to expedite it on Thursday/Friday but as a result - we are now a familiarly of 3, with 22 month old without a house, staying at the hotel for the weekend. All our clothes and things packed in the movers van. Hoping to exchange and complete on Monday, but see how it goes.

What are our chances here? Should we get a lawyer?

We filed an official complaint on sale solicitor somewhere in December due to the long process (got offer in June 2022). Purchase solicitor advised me to file an official complaint for sale solicitor as she sold without confirming with him/her, sale solicitor went into the defence and were saying that I made him/her aware that I’m in the chain just couple weeks ago(utter rubbish, as we were looking for a new place for a while and definitely informed him/her. )

UPDATE 27/01: It's been a week since it's happened and we are still homeless. Made a complain to both solicitors companies. Someone rung to the buy solicitor and admitted that it was their fault (that's what my sale solicitor told me, not sure if I can trust it). Also sale solicitors asked for all invoices that occur since Friday. Sent all receipts, hotels, movers, storage, etc. Told them that it's not the end of it. But it's already a bit over £3K. Me and my wife also loosing in wages, will send that to them too. But the issue with wrong plan and Land Registry can't approve it. That's another issue and I think something dodgy here too. How come developer's company can't produce correct plan to Land Registry from first try? How long it takes LR to approve it, is was also expedited due to our mortgage offer soon expiration and due to our being homeless... How can I claim mental health issues that my kid suffer due to not being able to sleep in his bed, read his favourite books, play with his toys. He's crying himself to sleep every night...


Active Member
16 July 2021
Hi everyone, we have a situation — we were in chain, selling and buying in the UK, solicitor who was dealing with the sale, exchanged and completed yesterday without getting a green light from solicitor who was dealing with our purchase. And there is a delay on our purchase exchange and completion due to some errors in the Land Registry plans that solicitor of the sellers property we are buying got last minute Wednesday, tried to expedite it on Thursday/Friday but as a result - we are now a familiarly of 3, with 22 month old without a house, staying at the hotel for the weekend. All our clothes and things packed in the movers van. Hoping to exchange and complete on Monday, but see how it goes.

What are our chances here? Should we get a lawyer?

We filed an official complaint on sale solicitor somewhere in December due to the long process (got offer in June 2022). Purchase solicitor advised me to file an official complaint for sale solicitor as she sold without confirming with him/her, sale solicitor went into the defence and were saying that I made him/her aware that I’m in the chain just couple weeks ago(utter rubbish, as we were looking for a new place for a while and definitely informed him/her. )

UPDATE 27/01: It's been a week since it's happened and we are still homeless. Made a complain to both solicitors companies. Someone rung to the buy solicitor and admitted that it was their fault (that's what my sale solicitor told me, not sure if I can trust it). Also sale solicitors asked for all invoices that occur since Friday. Sent all receipts, hotels, movers, storage, etc. Told them that it's not the end of it. But it's already a bit over £3K. Me and my wife also loosing in wages, will send that to them too. But the issue with wrong plan and Land Registry can't approve it. That's another issue and I think something dodgy here too. How come developer's company can't produce correct plan to Land Registry from first try? How long it takes LR to approve it family solicitors, is was also expedited due to our mortgage offer soon expiration and due to our being homeless... How can I claim mental health issues that my kid suffer due to not being able to sleep in his bed, read his favourite books, play with his toys. He's crying himself to sleep every night...
thanks in advance for any help

Tim W

LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
28 April 2014
I'm sorry to hear about your situation.
However, as you appear to be in the UK, and this is a website about the law in Australia,
we may not be of much help to you.

Best of luck