After reading both of your situations and personaly know someone who is convinced this is going on in their lives as well, and has been for a couple of yrs now with similarities in the three stories ,which is startling. Firstly, I'm confused to understand why any group of people would spend so much time and resources to follow/stalk someone for no real reason or to that matter, gain to them in the long run ? Secondly, some degree of drug use (how much use is debatable) and alcohol abuse. On top of that there's also use and abuse of ice, and some form of mental health issues at the very top.
Hi. 2 years on, learning more about myself and about why I've been targeted from the beginning, and learning more about the general situation of cults, crime syndicates, gangs, politics, and players in general, we, and not only we few, but without worrying if I'm seen, from saying the following, as delusional, we, the whole of humanity, are in deep s**t.
We down as low as we are on the social, wealth and power ladders, are kept unaware of how fanatical, serious and deadly the power games are, above us, and right up top in the biggest dynastic "halls and corridors" of power.
And maybe not all, but most such "conspiracies" for control of the planet, are well over 1,000 years old.
What we are fed about the big cults, and big mafia, are as small an amount of factual information as they can get away with letting out.
Saying.., everyone runs in fright once they learn the larger fuller stories.
Somewhere back in history, one "Nicolo Machiavelli" wrote a short book called "The Prince", about how "a Prince" (that being another name for a king, a monarch) of "a Principality", has to know fully how to also be evil, merely to be able to know what to expect from enemies. And the prince needs also to be so familiar with the dark side's tactics, as to himself be proficient at "being evil", and willing and able to employ the same methods in any war.
I don't think it takes any amazing intelligence to deduce that once all players have descended to that level of "evil", the whole show cannot but "end badly" and for everyone.
That, is where humanity is perhaps only "almost" at today.
As said, the most "successful" cults today, have been at it for over 1000 years, and have infiltrated nearly every nation on earth's administrations, and our societies.
Such that, here in Australia, there are almost no places, city or country, where we can go, and shop, or camp, or party, or work, where the biggest, so most sinister cult has not got their 'tentacles'.
And, their minions, their slaves, and bribe-taking workers (sometimes whole venues, suburbs, towns, workplaces and such, are "staffed" by the same cult's members), are so deeply hypnotized, and bought-off, as to be incurably fanatical in doing whatever their masters order them to.
So, as a lot of people are either naive, have not been so brutalized (or fully informed about how serious, fanatical and widespread this situation is), to giving up all notions of dignity, honor, rightmindedness, just plain honesty, etc, they wander innocently into a situation, see some plain injustice being committed, and think they must speak up about it.
Some will go to the police. Mistake! Some will try friends. Mistake! Some will try other places, like a lawyers, even a court house or court room, in a case or so. Mistake! And some might have links wit a biker or similar gang and talk about it. Another mistake!
Australia is a specially unfortunate place to be stuck if one is not corrupt, and sees the sanity in defying it, because the government is entirely corrupted too, by the same cults. So going overseas thru any official port, has them tag you, and you're monitored and stalked and harassed wherever you go.
These reasons are why Aussies and all comers are happy to accept bribes and become part of a syndicate, and will be totally OK with staling, harassing, terrorising and, tho usually all cults have their special people for this, but murder is one act sometimes demanded of lower level cult members, to prove they are loyal.
A lot of the murders, rapes, and other crimes we hear of in the msm media, are committed by cult members because the cult, not their own anger or psychosis, told them to.
That, broadly, is where we in Australia, and across the globe as much, are at now.
I don't know what future humanity has while this is controlling so many nations, their political classes, and so our police and societies generally.
But you might see where it is going?
As I wrote, it cannot end well, for anyone. Especially as the global corporate military industrial complex of utterly power-mad psychos, are involved.
Now, I'm not suggesting that the cases you write about are in the same basket. But, innocents are targeted, as much for the perp to prove they are "worthy" of being part of an evil gang, cult or club, etc. So less and less of us are safe.
Any of us might stumble innocently upon something, a crime in action, someone paranoid and up on meth or crack (same things?), and for how f****d up life is for so many now, a lot of peeps are simply running wild, having no self-control of their temper or thinking. So we might only look the wrong way at someone, and if they are nutjobs, and in a 'bad' mob, they could start stalking you, me or a friend, with absolutely no sane reason, other than because they can, and because it "gives them a thrill" etc.
But more than any cults will openly say, people are targeted and picked for a rough time, for the exercise, and so a member can prove themselves, etc.
The nasty cults and clubs etc, are "on-a-roll" of doing evil, to always get more turf and wealth and power.
Some, are so off, that anyone who is not one of them, is targeted, and could be bought off to join, or challenged to prove themselves, which, if refused, the cult member takes as an invitation to push back harder, purely because, like the "heros-cum-ZEROS" they are, for having millions of others ready to back them up, no matter what, incites uncontrollable madness. often to the point of bashing people really badly.
And the top cults are huge, and totally ruthless, and always have something criminal to protect. A plan, some property, a politician, club, pub, or, or, a whole nation, they have claimed as exclusively theirs.
So from the top down to gutter sludge local kids, protections and activities are being followed, no matter who gets in the way.
Sounds extremely paranoid of me of course, and because some areas, suburbs or rural communities are paying some gang like the cops to ensure nothing nasty breaks out on their turf, we can feel safe in some places. Even in lower class suburbs if there's some reason for them to protect it, and to keep a happy face on the place, etc.
I personally don't see any way for humanity, let alone an unconnected local person, to stop this rush to our general, or their personal, destruction, or maybe just to a sad ending.
Taking a bribe and letting a cult or gang or such take ownership of you, seems the only way to get some pleasure from life now.
Some, even of the most powerful and global mafias, do actually have healthier ideals, like some are trying to save the natural environment.
But they're all, always also, purely to "stay in the game" of wealth thus of power, involved in industries which are leading in destroying the natural world too.
Pretty depressing really.
Worse for us who are targeted by a cult, gang or club, and can't get them to LEAVE ME THE F**K ALONE!
S**t happens.
Red Belly