QLD Drugs - Do I Need a Lawyer?

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Active Member
2 July 2017

A few weeks ago, I was pulled over by the RAP after police scan showed my drivers licence was out of date. I was asked to take a alcohol and drug test. I showed positive to ICE, and police then searched my car and found less then 1/2 gram of ICE ($100 worth) I was taken back to police station for another test which had same result, surprise surprise.

I was given a court date which was last Friday and given a $800 fine and 3months loss of licence. So that part is over...Then a few days after this but prior to my court attendance, I had home police raid, which I can only assume was because of what was found in my car.

Police found the exact same amount of ICE as found in my car (less then 1/2 gram) plus 2 utensils. My court date is next week. I will plead guilty as I am guilty, do I need a lawyer? And what will the outcome of court be since I guess it's my 2nd charge?

Also is it normal for police to waste time and money busting someone as small as me for only personal use? I ask them during raid if they believed I was dealing as to why the raid. They said and I quote 'no we definately do not think that, we know yr not dealing' that was all they said and I didn't ask any further questions.

Also to...after raid I had 5 days to go to police station where I was fingerprinted and had to supply DNA as well as photo taken.... So what if I was innocent and had good explanation and proof that the small amount of drugs found was not mine? Why was I fingerprinted before proven guilty and if this is procedure why wasn't all that done after I was pulled over in car ?

I never had to do give DNA or finger printed or photo.

Can someone tell me if this is all normal and if I need to get lawyer for next court appearance?


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
What if you were innocent? The info would not be held on file.

So I'm thinking the cops now see you as a repeat offender... So you are going to appear on the cops' data base as a problem...When you get your licence back, there is a good chance that at every rbt they will do a drug swab.

You are now a repeat offender. Do you need a lawyer? Nope ... if you can afford one, great.

My thoughts: spend the grand or so on a solicitor... It will be a waste of money. But it will be a better waste of money than the money you are wasting on ice... True


Active Member
2 July 2017
True. So very true.

So because of testing positive on road side test, is that why they did a home raid? And since they didn't believe I was dealing, why would they bother with time and money and court to get warrant on someone they know is only personal use and very small amount? Also why would I be fingerprinted etc after the road side test?

What do you think will happen in court?


Active Member
2 July 2017
Is anybody able to answer these questions for me please. The reply, no I don't need a lawyer but if I can afford one - great, hasn't left me any wiser. Is that a yes or no?


Active Member
2 July 2017
When I said what I was innocent I mean for home raid. Why wasn't I fingerprinted etc the first time? Why was there even a home raid knowing I was only a personal user not a dealer and that what they would find was next to nothing? What if anyone knows could be the outcome of pending court?


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Ok so guess what, the cops lie. So they are sneaky... Maybe they let you go first time without fingerprints to try and keep it low key... So you might not bother getting rid of the other drugs, utensils etc etc. It worked... They told you they knew you were not a big time drug dealer? They will tell you what they think is the best thing to get their job done.

My opinion - Never say anything to them... Nice cop will tell you that if you don't confess it will look bad. Nice cop ain't that nice - he is just trying to get his job done fast...

Do you need a solicitor? Well it is a good idea. But is $1500 -$2000 going to see you homeless? If so then don't get a solicitor....

Look you're not likely to be going to jail. A good solicitor might help make this thing become a good behaviour bond... But might not...If you're going to re-offend, then don't waste the money... You'll get caught again and again and you won't be able to afford a solicitor, so might as well learn how to represent yourself.

Why not do some google searches for how to self represent in criminal court..?


Active Member
2 July 2017
Omg. I'm not saying the cops lie. I know they are doing their job and they do it very well. I have a lot of respect for them. They were very nice to me on both occasions. I broke the law and I'm not blaming them or angry at them in any way. You're missing my whole point.... and I am not a chronic user, rare occasions. What I had on me in car was half of the gram I had at home.

Last time I used was over 5 months ago so I will not be caught again and again and again. I didn't ask question here for your judgement - only wanted a simple answer. I can afford a lawyer which I now have, no thanks to you and your reply, affording a lawyer was never my issue, I never stated I cannot afford one only if it was necessary to have one.

A simple yes or no was all I asked. So get off your high horse and read what's in front of you before you jump in with assumptions. You assume wrong

Ps: You also assumed wrongly that I can't afford a solicitor... money Is not my issue, you couldn't be further from the truth there. Just answer the question asked of people or don't answer at all.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Wow... aren't you a piece of work.... You asked a question... I provided you with some help...

I said... "Do you need a solicitor? Well it is a good idea. But is $1500 -$2000 going to see you homeless? If so, then don't get a solicitor...."

I am happy for you that you can spare a few grand... I did not 'assume' I said if....and I asked whether or not you could afford it.... Let me ask another question. Aren't you rude?

I also said that you're not likely to go to jail. I am assuming that was a cause for concern for you and I was trying to alleviate your concerns. I suggested you do a google search to learn how to self represent. So you know some of the basics if you choose to go without a solicitor. Good suggestions.

I also said if you're going to keep using. If..... If means maybe... How the heck do I know what you're gonna do...? That is why I said if...

You are now on the police radar, expect to get pulled over for a random test, expect them to check your car. Now if you could be so kind as to read my post again... You will know that you owe me an apology.

One more thing... I reckon you'll get a bond, hopefully no criminal record. Once you go to court, get back to us and let us know how you go... I've wasted about an hour of my life giving you good honest opinion.... A thank you is definitely warranted, so is an apology

Tim W

LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
28 April 2014
Ps: u also assumed wrongly that I can't afford a solicitor... money Is not my issue, u cldnt be further from the truth there. Just answer the question asked of people or don't answer at all.
Well then, the answer to your original question - should you get a lawyer? - is "yes".

A further suggestion - if, as you say, you are guilty, then plead guilty,
and take advantage of any available discount in the penalty.
A lawyer will be able to help you with this.