VIC Child Support Agency Not Crediting Double Payments

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Neil T

25 March 2017
The Child Support Agency in Victoria has again sunk to a new low by doubling your payments without consulting you first. My employer has undergone a so-called restructuring resulting in reduced wages across the board. We were told a percentage our wages would be reduced by and having taken that as gospel, it was reported to the CSA and payments were adjusted.

Unfortunately the information received from my employer was incorrect but the damage was done and an overdue amount with the CSA was born. Complaints to the CSA pretty much went unheard and then I receive in my mygov inbox an assessment of double payments to clear the "added debt".

I'm paying at the moment $1700 per month approx. for one child >13 and I earn under $80K. I have just paid the so-called last of the Doubled Payments to clear the excess only to have the CSA write again to say that they have increased the payment frequency by another month of Double Payments to clear the amount that was already paid.

I'm saying that the CSA will take your payments and then say that they didn't receive them in the first place. And this is all through employer deductions. Where has my money gone to? A CSA employee's wallet?

I am at the end of my rope and it's around my neck. I'm done, I'm done with it all.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Please call mensline or lifeline.

Be aware you can appeal to the AAT... Administrative appeal tribunal. Their job is to check that CSA has done their job properly and can ORDER CSA to correct / fix a situation if it is established that they stuffed up. They are good at their job too...

Neil T

25 March 2017
Please call mensline or lifeline.

Be aware you can appeal to the AAT... Administrative appeal tribunal. Their job is to check that CSA has done their job properly and can ORDER CSA to correct / fix a situation if it is established that they stuffed up. They are good at their job too...

What can lifeline do...listen to whinging? Suck it up princess. Listen, this is the CSA we're talking about...aka the Tax Office, they don't give a s**t.

They just want their money and if they kill you in he process then so be it. They...Don't ...Care.

What are the statistics of male suicides directly linked to the CSA? Huge. By the time you read this, I'll probably be another...

Hoang Trang

Well-Known Member
22 July 2016
What can lifeline do...listen to whinging? Suck it up princess. Listen, this is the CSA we're talking about...aka the Tax Office, they don't give a s**t.

They just want their money and if they kill you in he process then so be it. They...Don't ...Care.

What are the statistics of male suicides directly linked to the CSA? Huge. By the time you read this, I'll probably be another...

Mate I hope everything is ok? Take a step back and rethink. CSA did a huge stuff up on me. Came after me for $5k when I was the one meant to be receiving it. Was harassed and spoken to like a dead beat dad that didn't give a s**t. All my ex's handy work she ripped off Centrelink. Took ages but CSA finally investigated and wiped the debt away. Be patient mate


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015

I really do hope you do not top yourself. You came here looking for help. I gave it. I wasted some of my time to help you. In response you give me grounds to feel guilty that you might top yourself. Thanks mate...

So yep - you're right what can mensline / lifeline do? Listen to your whinging... Well that is what you're asking us to do. At least they are trained professionals.

Yup - you're right, there probably is a very clear link between the appalling male suicide rates in this country and the family law / Centrelink system. Do you want to know the statistics since you mentioned it? Me too - but they don't exist because no one cares enough to do the research.

But I can tell you from personal experience that CSA stuffs up lots. I can also tell you they are fcuking slow to do anything about it, but as mentioned the AAT is very good at getting it right and getting CSA to make the right decisions. I'll happily help you through the process. But there is something I would like you to do for me... Let us know that you're ok... And there is something I would like you to do for your kid...

Go see your doctor, start looking for some help to deal with the stress, don't become another dead bloke because you're right CSA tax office etc don't give a s**t if you choose to top yourself... But your kid will...

But don't use a site like this, where good people try to help others as a place to make people feel guilty that they can't help you more.

Final thought look after yourself.

Neil T

25 March 2017
I really do hope you do NOT top yourself. You came here looking for advice. I gave it. I wasted some of my time to help you. In response you give me grounds to feel guilty that you might top yourself. THANKS MATE...

so yep - you're right what can mensline / life line do? listen to your whinging... Well that is what you're asking us to do. At least they are trained professionals.
Yup - you're right, there probably is a very clear link between the appalling male suicide rates in this country and the family law / Centrelink system. Do you want to know the statistics since you mentioned it??? ME TOO - but they don't exist because no one cares enough to do the research.

But I can tell you from personal experience that CSA stuffs up lots. I can also tell you they are fcuking slow to do anything about it. BUT as mentioned the AAT is very good at getting it right and getting CSA to make the right decisions. I'll happily help you through the process. But there is something I would like you to do for me... Let us know that you're ok... And there is something I would like you to do for your kid... Go see your doctor, start looking for some help to deal with the stress, don't become another dead bloke because you're right CSA tax office etc don't give a s**t if you choose to top yourself... But your kid will...

But don't use a site like this, where good people try to help others as a place to make people feel guilty that they can't help you more.
Final thought look after yourself.
I apologise.... Have done some hard thinking about what needs to be done. Thank you for your straightforward comments. I do appreciate it. Most of my anger has passed and I will go through the proper channels.

Thank you again.
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