VIC Selling Son's Abandoned Property - How Long to Wait?

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17 September 2019
My son and his girlfriend needed a place to stay for a short time. No board was discussed but they brought food, they damaged my house, assaulted me (AVO now in place), run up electricity, internet etc. They offered to help with the bill never did, stole my laptop, damaged a spa and left on the run from police after I told them to leave. They abandoned two dogs and a pregnant cat, in which I've fed, and left some whitegoods, in which some items they said I could keep.

How long before what is left of their abandoned property I can sell to recover expenses or dump as it's a hindrance?

Tim W

LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
28 April 2014
1. Talk to the police about the stolen laptop.
If nothing else, reporting it stolen will help when it's later used in an offence,
or when they try to pawn it.

2. Drop off the animals at the council pound.
You have no particular obligations to the animals other than to not be cruel to them.

3. If they have told you that "you can have" the stuff they left behind, then its yours to sell or dump as you choose.
Two things to factor in... you don't actually have any proof that they said you could have it; and, even if they did say it,
be prepared for them to turn up without notice, wanting it all back anyway.

Rob Legat - SBPL

LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
16 February 2017
Gold Coast, Queensland
And to deny anything they ever told you about the situation and what you could/could not do with any of the items or animals.