Child abuse by the X

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Well-Known Member
26 November 2016
Hi, I picked my kids up on an access last Saturday and my 5 y/o daughter said that her mother belted her. My 11 y/o said yes that true.
I took the children to the hospital to be assessed by the doctor.
They told the doctor that mum is always mean and belts them all the time and is nice one minute and horrible the next
Also that their grandparents (her parents) belt them and pinch and make them sit on a naughty spot and they don’t even know what they did.
I have a photo of the marks on my daughters back.
I went to the family court today and we have a urgent court date this Friday. I have informed crisis care and also the DCP.
I think I will go to the police tomorrow and make a formal complaint.
The kids went back to their mothers care due to me not having the knowledge or able to get any info from anyone about what I could do to protect them.
I also have a VRO against me.
My 5 y/o also has thrush and said Grandad hurts me to the doctor.

I have had a very Trumatic break up in divorce and the kids of been used as pawns. I also have been emotionally set up with the kids interests and breach the VRI for the third time which in WA is a mandatory six months. It was only an email and the previous ones were texts with no malicious intent just children’s interests and asking The ex-wife for help with the kids.
Any advice on the way I should handle this I have asked for custody of the two younger children I have two older ones as well which I’ve been poisoned by their mother and grandfather and only see me as birthday wishes. My concern is for my two little ones as they love me very much and seem to be being punished for it.
Thanks for your time


Well-Known Member
23 July 2014
Has it occurred to you that your little angels were maybe misbehaving and she was disciplining them as she sees fit?

That they were exaggerating mum’s discipline as ‘abuse’ because they know that’s what you like to hear?

That you have potentially overreacted in formidable fashion and in doing so, undermined mum and shown that you don’t appreciate her role as their parent?

Be careful.
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Well-Known Member
26 November 2016
The kids said all that happened was minor a soil of some sand from her sisters cactus plant onto her sisters bedspread. Perhaps the children over exaggerated a little however I have never known them to do this before. I have been complaining for months and months that the mother and her parents ( grandparents) Have been hurting them. I have gone to the place today to make a formal complaint and I have court on Friday to see if I can get my babies out of the dangerous situation that they re have been hurting them. I have gone to the place today to make a formal complaint and I have court on Friday to see if I can get my babies out of the dangerous situation that they are in.
The children have been used as a pawn’s all the way through this horrible break up. The manipulation by their mother and her parents has been absolutely disgusting even do the stand that I received a violent restraining order from her father this morning. All I said to reminders if I find found out you’ve touched my children again I will bloody will find you.
Kids normally do not line in this case I said to the kids when you get to the hospital they will ask you some questions and just tell them the truth.
We all know the way the disgusting system works and that’s not govern towards the male because I’m not the mother.
The mother always used to build the children I’ve even got emails from previous Au pairs stating that the mother base children with the cooking spoon and I have used it as evidence for the trial on Friday. I have somebody come help my kids because this is been going on far far too long.
I’m asking for help to see if anybody can find a way I can protect my children from the monsters.
Thanks for your time


Well-Known Member
23 July 2014
Mate, I’ve read your other posts on this site, and thus far, I have chosen not to respond because I think you are very much the main problem in your own proceedings, and primarily because you have absolutely no grasp on how your own actions are hurting your case and your children.

‘The kids’ granddad took out a VRO on me when all’s I said was that I’d find him if he hurt the kids again’.

I’m sorry, what? All you said was what, now? You have a VRO against you by the mother, with what I understand to be more than one breach recorded, and ‘all you said’ to her father was that you’d basically hunt him down and hurt him if you decided he had hurt the kids? Mate, what in the blazes are you thinking?? Use your common sense!

But, let me guess, it’s the system’s fault, right? Or it’s mum’s fault because she’s vindictive, right? Whoever is at fault, it most definitely isn’t you, right? You’re just the little, old victim of a biased system, right?

And that is why I’m betting you’ll lose your parenting case in spectacular fashion - you make absolutely no concession for how you have contributed to the mess you’re in, which means you are unlikely to improve your own behaviour even though it’s clear as day that doing so is what’s best for the kids.

My advice? Stop looking for an underhanded way to get the kids out what you hope is a dangerous situation. This is the first and only time you’ve ever raised concerns about abuse in the other household, so it’s not very persuasive, and while your kids may not lie, I can assure you they’re only giving you the truths that don’t paint them in a bad light. Context is everything, and as adults, we should have the intelligence and maturity enough to understand that. I have watched my seven-year-old stepdaughter snatch a toy from her toddler cousin and get swiped in return, only to have her march right up to my face 30 seconds later and tell me ‘X hit me for no reason!’

You need to change your tune if you want to stand a chance of getting parenting orders even slightly in your favour, mate, because right now, all you are showing the Court is that you hate the mother, and your entire focus is on your issues with her, rather than on what’s best for the kids.


Well-Known Member
26 November 2016
Thanks AllForHer for your comments.
The situation is a lot more complicated between myself and the Mother and her family that I agree.
However my kids have been complaining to me about the beltings and punishment they have been receiving from them for months and months.
It was only last Saturday that I finally had the proof that this had been happening to them.
When the kids got the chance to speak to the doctor they told her everything that had been happening to them.
Why would you think that this is because of me?
Don’t I have a right to protect my kids?
Just because the system is the system and doesn’t favor the father if the mother gets a VRO and then the father is automatically made out to be a monster and is behind the 8 ball from the start.
I need to be able to protect my kids from any abuse from anyone, it perhaps looks like the grandfather May have been interfering with my daughter.
The VRO’s have been aloud to be used as tools to cover up things or just remove the Dad from the house.
Let me know your thoughts


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
If WA family law allows it, you should be applying to have an Independent Children's Lawyer (ICL) appointed so your story can be independently corroborated.


Well-Known Member
26 November 2016
Hi Rod
I have court on Friday and will see if I can ask for an ICL.
The doctor has made notes on what the kids told her what had been happening but unfortunately the records won’t be available from them by Friday.
I will have to use the photos and a letter from an Aupair we had that says that the x use to belt the kids to start with.
At least this might stop her and her parents abuse.


Well-Known Member
23 July 2014
Doctors have mandatory reporting obligations, meaning if they suspect a child is being abused, they are obligated to inform CPS.

Did the doctor file a report with CPS?


Well-Known Member
5 February 2018
Mate, I’ve read your other posts on this site,
So have i now.. Methinks this guy has been reading too much Brotherhood of Fathers guff. You dont get ANYWHERE by claiming huge conspiracies and writing to your local member claiming conspiracies and you certainly do not get anywhere trying to turn young words into a change of care without backing from the appropriate professionals. In fact, I think this is exactly the kind of guy who could end up being blamed for coaching kids.. sorry OP