Need some help with tax/super calculation

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Well-Known Member
16 January 2022

Apologies if this is the wrong forum to ask this, please direct where I should ask if incorrect.

In a nutshell I have a joint bank account with my wife and we transfer x% of our wages to it each month which is to pay for joint bills etc. I earn more than her (not much mind) and because of this I contribute a higher percentage which is only fair. However, recently I have reason to believe she has been lying about her how much she earns (and by a lot). Recently I was applying for a government related job and had to answer some security related questions, these were things like how much do I earn, debt owed etc, but it was also required she provide the same info. She was very reluctant to hand it over and when she did I later ran some calculations on them and what she claimed; lot of it didn't add up. I am good with numbers and to confirm I was doing the maths right I used my own wageslips and punched it into this website pay calculator. Everything came back as expected and the numbers were perfect (Which verifies the app and my maths).

I managed to get my hands on a wageslip of hers and I was wondering if anyone can tell why there are discrepancies.
her base salary is exactly 157,168.14 - seems a strange number
super is ON TOP of this
she is paid fortnightly and this is 6044.93 base - which works out perfectly on the app (please take a look as it presents the number very clearly)
her tax is 1494.00 exactly
her super is 785.84

It took a lot of trial and error but I figured out that her super is 13% which matches the 785.84. exactly; if you type that into the website it comes back perfectly based on the salary. Also, the website works out her fortnightly wage perfectly too. What is odd is that the amount she should be getting taxed according to the site is 1784 not 1494. She is getting taxed roughly 300 less than expected. This is a big difference. What I do know is that she took out a lease on a car and this also shows up on the payslip under "earnings" as -600. my understanding is that because this is under "earning" you subtract this from her base first before doing any tax calculations, please let me know if this is wrong. If you subtract this from her fortnightly 6044.93 you get 5444. So I tried punching this into the calculator as her base and when it calculates the tax, again it still doesn't match up. Through some trial and error I managed to figure out the exact number to make it tax exactly what her wageslip says (1494), it is 5300. But if add this to 600 you only get 5900, it's close but still $144 missing so what am I missing here?

Can anyone tell me what is going on here? For context (why I want to find out), she told me that after tax she takes home 3918.88 when in fact it is 4550 as her wageslip shows. This difference just happens to be what her lease costs (600), so essentially she is deducting the cost of her first before she tells me how much she earns. In case anyone thinks I am being picky at all, we have our own cars, and I pay for mine and she is MEANT to be paying for hers. Regardless, she shouldn't be lying to me about this stuff. Before I confront her I want to make sure I have figured out what is going on. Can anyone fill the gaps above for me, or at least tell me of a site/tool/formula in which I can work backwards with some of those numbers see where the discrepancies lie?

thanks in advance!

EDIT: I also forgot to mention that the least is some form of salary sacrifice, that is all i know.

Now interestingly she also got a new job recently and earns more. She claims she now earns 175k exactly (which is what prompted my little investigation!). New new "contribution" is 4550. Very interesting that this number looks be exactly the figure I worked out above what I think she was earning in her last role. I could be wrong, but can anyone tell how she would have come to this number with a 175k salary per fortnight? NOTE: the wageslip is in relation to her old job not the one she just got.
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