My car was wiped out by a falling tree branch. My wife and I were lucky not to have been killed. The stretch of road, in my opinion, has been poorly maintained by council / shire employees. In some cases, the tree branches span the width of the dual carriageway on The Great Alpine Road near Myeartleford (Vic).
Do I have any option to look for compensation from VicRoads or Shire authorities under Australian Law? (I lost close to $5000 with insurance excess, increased insurance premiums and gap between purchase prices and insured value (AAMI would not accommodate the full purchase price).
Do I have any option to look for compensation from VicRoads or Shire authorities under Australian Law? (I lost close to $5000 with insurance excess, increased insurance premiums and gap between purchase prices and insured value (AAMI would not accommodate the full purchase price).