NSW Ex Partner Has My Car and wont return it

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Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
oh dear.
So do you have any documentation to show the ex has the car and wont return? how are you gonna establish you were not the driver when the car was pinned for speeding? Please please tell me you're not paying the car payments? Please please tell me that you're not paying the car rego?

Heck - you should have just cancelled the rego. You should still do this. The ex will get done for driving unregistered. I reckon this is a good cheap option. Better than private investigators just to find out where the ex is...


27 May 2020
Yes, rego has been expired for a few weeks now and I wont be renewing it. The speeding fine must have been given to them in person not by a fixed speed camera, and a copy of it came in the post to my address, thankfully it wasn't fined to me.

I had to continue payments on the car as it's my credit rating at stake, had my hands tied there...

I have alot of proof showing conversations that they won't return the car, and also that they have been using the car


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
nope - stop paying. Explain to the car loan mob. You can put the money in the bank. When they repo the car you can pay them the $$$ and associated fees. It sux but will be cheaper that hiring a private investigator or a solicitor. Yep you're probably gonna have additional expenses regarding keys etc but comparing that to other options it is still cheaper.

you should be able to check with RTA to see if the car is registered. Probably worth doing. If the ex registers the car, which they can do... YOU can cancel the registration and RTA will deposit the $$ into your account. The ex gets done for unregistered and you're now winning...


Well-Known Member
6 February 2019
@Barto0101 Problem with repossession is first the car has to be security for the loan, if you've already paid off about 75% or more, they will need a court order... As the car is in someone else's possession they may also need a court order to repo... All of those costs you will pay..

Private investigator will likely have an address for you without leaving their office (depending how much info you can give them) maybe a few hundred $ tops... You can then either send a letter of demand threatening court action (and costs) via small claims, or just go & get your property back... I would be doing the later

Definitely don't pay rego obviously