Hi, I am attempting to buy my ex spouse out of unit. We have agreed on a modest amount (property settlement), that I will pay
her $3500. I will be borrowing the full amount of $265, 000 off another lender from which we are with now. We have been broken up for 3 years.. We do not have a formal separation agreement done. Do I have to pay any stamp duty on borrowing 265k and how do we handle the pay out of $3500 cash
to my ex partner?
So my questions are, do I have to pay half, full or none stamp duty on the property I half own and how to formalize the transfer of $3500 to my ex spouse.
her $3500. I will be borrowing the full amount of $265, 000 off another lender from which we are with now. We have been broken up for 3 years.. We do not have a formal separation agreement done. Do I have to pay any stamp duty on borrowing 265k and how do we handle the pay out of $3500 cash
to my ex partner?
So my questions are, do I have to pay half, full or none stamp duty on the property I half own and how to formalize the transfer of $3500 to my ex spouse.