QLD How to Take Child Safety to Court?

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Well-Known Member
1 January 2015
Where did you get the idea about rhe federal court. Child Safety is QLD legislatuon.
Simple, if child safety decides to contest, then it can only go to the high courts and if I obtain that compensation, what makes you think it's going to be a $20,000 deal with a hardy fake handshake ?.


Well-Known Member
30 May 2014

Crooked government departments typically attempt to get the matter confined to the kangaroo court where its highly unlikely you will be granted leave to bring a lawyer although Child Safety are at liberty to bring a tribe of them (so much for equal access to justice). The advantage to the baddies is that the kangaroo court will not only completely ignore legislation but will accept uncorroborated evidence from Child Safety whilst ignoring any evidence that conflicts with that presented by Child Safety. To the best of my knowledge the only possible appeals against a kangaroo court decision are firstly to the kangaroo court (which never reverses its own decisions) and then to the Supreme Court constituted as the QLD Court of Appeal however the kangaroo court will move heaven and earth to stall any appeal at their level, thereby preventing you from getting to the QLD Court of Appeal.

Whether or not its possible to de-rail their game by filing your matters in the Federal Court is another issue entirely. I'd be extremely surprised if Child Safety doesn't front a team of uber-expensive barristers who will quote a zillion precedents in attempts to get hearings confined to the kangaroo court where you are at a decided dis-advantage. I suggest this is something that will need to be addressed at a very early stage as the kangaroo court is obviously not a good place to be.

Sometime over the next few days I expect to be talking with the lawyer who handles human rights issues for me and I'll make a point of asking him for his opinion on whether or not your matter can be kept out of the kangaroo court. Providing he thinks its possible, I'll then confer with a known honourable barrister regarding his thoughts as I can see his services being required should you get some of your victims / carers as far as the Federal court.


Well-Known Member
1 January 2015
Crooked government are the ones that tell you, That man has landed on the moon and that the earth is round. Corrupted government are the ones that will do anything,even murder, to succeed to destroy human life at a price.So they can have that "Good Life".

If corrupted government were to be cleaned out, then one must start at the top and work down, Instead the do goodies always start at the bottom,hence these recurring royal commissions and inquires into the likes of child safety. Yet, not once has anyone from child safety that have broken the law of the land that falsifies and fabricates documents or even the committing of Perjury and supplying misleading information has even been made accountable.

If there was any form of any Human Rights in this State, then my matter would of been dealt with many many years ago and families saved. The current Royal Commission is becoming aware of victims like myself, As they have informed me of the many others that states as I have. So, at least it has been noted for consideration to be looked at.


Well-Known Member
30 May 2014
Crooked government are the ones that tell you, That man has landed on the moon and that the earth is round. Corrupted government are the ones that will do anything,even murder, to succeed to destroy human life at a price.So they can have that "Good Life".

If corrupted government were to be cleaned out, then one must start at the top and work down, Instead the do goodies always start at the bottom,hence these recurring royal commissions and inquires into the likes of child safety. Yet, not once has anyone from child safety that have broken the law of the land that falsifies and fabricates documents or even the committing of Perjury and supplying misleading information has even been made accountable.

If there was any form of any Human Rights in this State, then my matter would of been dealt with many many years ago and families saved. The current Royal Commission is becoming aware of victims like myself, As they have informed me of the many others that states as I have. So, at least it has been noted for consideration to be looked at.

I've noticed two moves in Queensland to liven up the hoary old 'Bill of Rights' issue. Last year or thereabouts the ex governor general and a bunch of lost cause ex politicians were named as running some kind of inquiry into domestic violence or whatever (was it named 'taskforce for domestic violence ??) and there was a series of reasonably considered reports produced that are still as far as I'm aware available from the Department of Communities website. As far as I'm concerned, thats as far as this event will go, overprivileged fatcats like ex-governors general don't as a rule do much for the hoi-polloi. I did send an email to the department (which hasn't been responded to in the several weeks since I sent it) although some bird did phone me and directed me to some page where I could leave feedback. Needless to say nothing has become of that, which isn't unexpected. The stuff in the reports is fine as far as it goes, however much of it mirrors earlier reports from the Law Reform Commission and their reports will be hidden under a 100mm of dust by now.

More recently there was an invitation doing the rounds for a human rights speaker crapping on about a real Bill of Rights for Queensland (supposedly someone 'significant' although like the Bloke Upstairs, I am no respecter of persons and haven't a clue who he is). Anyway most of us in the anti-kangaroo court / Adult Guardian / Public Trustee group managed to get tickets so we'll be rocking up to hear what this turkey is on about. One never knows, its just possible he's fair-dinkum although I'm not in the habit of expecting much from anyone who claims to be 'significant', more so since the event is to be held at parliament house. My guess is that whoever it is is angling for a nice cushy ministership, after which he'll forget everything he promised to get elected.

As for corrupted government, truth is that if perchance it was properly 'cleaned out' who do you suggest would run the country. Mind you I'm not for a moment suggesting a cleanout would be a bad thing, but suddenly removing every politician and every bureaucrazy at once would be 'interesting' (I can only dream). The only politicians who come to mind that 'might' be worth retaining are that ex-blacksmith Senator 'Mad Dog' John Madigan (definitely a decent bloke), possibly Nick Zenophon and Peter Wellington although they are ex-lawyers).


Well-Known Member
30 May 2014
I've noticed two moves in Queensland to liven up the hoary old 'Bill of Rights' issue. Last year or thereabouts the ex governor general and a bunch of lost cause ex politicians were named as running some kind of inquiry into domestic violence or whatever (was it named 'taskforce for domestic violence ??) and there was a series of reasonably considered reports produced that are still as far as I'm aware available from the Department of Communities website. As far as I'm concerned, thats as far as this event will go, overprivileged fatcats like ex-governors general don't as a rule do much for the hoi-polloi. I did send an email to the department (which hasn't been responded to in the several weeks since I sent it) although some bird did phone me and directed me to some page where I could leave feedback. Needless to say nothing has become of that, which isn't unexpected. The stuff in the reports is fine as far as it goes, however much of it mirrors earlier reports from the Law Reform Commission and their reports will be hidden under a 100mm of dust by now.

More recently there was an invitation doing the rounds for a human rights speaker crapping on about a real Bill of Rights for Queensland (supposedly someone 'significant' although like the Bloke Upstairs, I am no respecter of persons and haven't a clue who he is). Anyway most of us in the anti-kangaroo court / Adult Guardian / Public Trustee group managed to get tickets so we'll be rocking up to hear what this turkey is on about. One never knows, its just possible he's fair-dinkum although I'm not in the habit of expecting much from anyone who claims to be 'significant', more so since the event is to be held at parliament house. My guess is that whoever it is is angling for a nice cushy ministership, after which he'll forget everything he promised to get elected.

As for corrupted government, truth is that if perchance it was properly 'cleaned out' who do you suggest would run the country. Mind you I'm not for a moment suggesting a cleanout would be a bad thing, but suddenly removing every politician and every bureaucrazy at once would be 'interesting' (I can only dream). The only politicians who come to mind that 'might' be worth retaining are that ex-blacksmith Senator 'Mad Dog' John Madigan (definitely a decent bloke), possibly Nick Zenophon and Peter Wellington although they are ex-lawyers).

If perchance anyone reading this wishes to be part of a very real chance of bringing DOCS and various other bottom-feeding grubs to account, might I suggest you make your presence known. A very significant number of victims has got together and we have a number of irons in the fire. That said, there is stuff-all that can be done for unidentified victims.


19 April 2016
I read through his thread with interest, but I wonder if you know, or have a theory as to why you have been targeted by both the police and QLD Department of Child Safety?


Well-Known Member
30 May 2014
Personally I'm not targeted by either police or DOCS, I'm merely a very noisy advocate for victims of the establishment. That said, I'm fully aware of why people get targeted and the basis is generally endemic corruption that has its roots in the worst legislation ever conceived.


Well-Known Member
1 January 2015
Police won't be anywhere near me until child safety calls them to be bodyguards to steal children and then enforce the partners to end the relationship. I've recently done another post" false allegations" and to how I made contact with the head of CPIU, he too protects child safety.

I know if I ever make it to a courtroom, I will show corruption in this department and to where it leads those that protect child safety from being accountable to murder.
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Well-Known Member
30 May 2014
Police won't be anywhere near me until child safety calls them to be bodyguards to steal children and then enforce the partners to end the relationship. I've recently done another post" false allegations" and to how I made contact with the head of CPIU, he too protects child safety.

I know if I ever make it to a courtroom, I will show corruption in this department and to where it leads those that protect child safety from being accountable to murder.

If you have a group of DOCS victims with credible stories and who, unlike the typical DOCS victim, are prepared to stick their heads above ground, I'd be only too happy to meet with them. Being s**t-scared of DOCS retribution is all very well, but nobody has ever achieved anything of consequence living like a mole in a burrow. This is especially relevant to those who have had a brush with QCAT / NCAT / VCAT etc.

We have put together a very significant number of QCAT / NCAT / VCAT etc victims, many of whom have issues with related entities. Note particularly that we are not relying on a single approach because the grubs on the dark side are highly experienced in what they do and especially proficient at dodging flak.

I'm not about to publish details of the avenues we are exploring on a public website but if you wish to make contact, try leaving a story on the Love For Life website (that does not necessarily imply any affinity or otherwise for Arthur) or the workersbushtelegraph website. The latter website provides multiple opportunities to make your presence known and one of the committee will be in touch as soon as a response to a relevant published story is noticed.

By the way, we are 'in court' regularly, however, we have learned to pick our mark. Some things simply can't be won in a courtroom regardless how strong your case, which means that other measures are needed.
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Well-Known Member
1 January 2015
Where I am, there are no DOCS victims groups that will stand up and be counted. They all hide and say nothing and do nothing. I yell and scream and point and that's why I am shunned from these DOCS victim groups. I even got this, quote " if I continue to help and support you, I will lose my job" unquote.

Maybe if someone started a TV show of these victims and YouTube it, cause main stream media are also too gutless to report of child safety victims.

If any of my posts over the many years of posting encouraged anyone that can help, they would have by now.

In the last few weeks, the many rejections I received of trying leads me to believe, that no one and, I mean, no one will ever stand up to DOCS, unless you have the funds to buy justice.