NSW Car to be Repossessed - Ex Refusing to Pay Car Loan?

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Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Common sense...

So the car has been repossessed. Big deal...

The ex wants to play silly games... Big deal...

How do you choose to react? Well, be a grown up. Don't get caught up in the games. The best response is no response...

Mate the ex is being irrational she is helping your cause. Let her keep doing it...

As for the kids - mate as soon as you pick them up, tell them something exciting you've got planned for them. Watch how quickly they lose interest in the ex... If the kids have questions, give them short answers. Tell them mum and dad love them very much and you're trying your best to be reasonable. Say nothing bad about mum... Kids are smart, they will work it out.
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Louise too

Well-Known Member
28 November 2018
Thank you so much for your reply.

That’s so true. I was freaking out at first but now we have had a few days together and made us busy and have fun and we going away a couple of days. Kids have come around esp the eldest.

I have not replied to the ex. However, I had to answer calls because the kids saw her ringing me and did not want to ignore her in front of kids. She is now claiming she does not want the kids because she has no car and no money. So she is refusing to take kids on Sunday.

What do I do about that? I could not really afford this week off work to have kids for school holidays.
What if she refused them next week? What do I tell kids? How do I work? How do I stop her from saying she's giving up the kids then wanting them back again?


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Ok, so firstly, does she work?

Has she communicated via text message that she will not be taking the kids back?

Is this just a game - is she working you over so you have the kids all holidays so she doesn't have to deal with them/ take time off work?

What sort of $$ do you make?

Contact Family Tax Benefit - actually call child support - tell them you have 100% care. That should get you some funds.

Remind us how old are the kids?

So life is gonna change - It might be for the better... Mate, I have 90% care of my kids... Granted I have a few benefits that help... I'm a teacher so my work hours are family friendly... But it is manageable... After school care programs, etc.

Just out interest? What part of NSW are you in?

Louise too

Well-Known Member
28 November 2018
Thank you again for your time in replying.

I’m from Sydney

Ex done this once before but picked up kids from school early the next day.

Long story shot.
Car was repossessed last week.
Child support Payments did stop 2 weeks but reinstated this week due to discrepancy I’m with my income. But I am back to paying more then required child support of $250 per week for ex to have kids Sunday night to Wednesday , As well as school uniforms , text books , school sport , out of school sport , medical etc.

Ex is said via txt
I have kids 4 months
I’m the primary Carer If I do not get car back , reinstate child support , and settle on her terms
Ex said she will have them every 2 nd weekend.

Sunday is Easter Sunday !!!

What do I fell kids. ?What do I do about work until I sort out plan ? But she will prob demand them back when they go back to school.
I agree I have feeling she just does not want them 2nd week of school holiday for a whole week ( I have them every weekend) she has never had them for a weekend

Louise too

Well-Known Member
28 November 2018
Yes she does work. Part time at bar.

I sub contract. So if I do not work. I do not get paid.

I would not mind hv kids full time. But I need the decision in writing somehow. So I know she is not


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
So calls CSA asap... Do that bit today...
She has put it in writing... you are primary carer for 4 months... Just go with that.
Remind us - where are you at? You have interim court orders for parenting? final orders? NOTHING?

Louise too

Well-Known Member
28 November 2018
So calls CSA asap... Do that bit today...
She has put it in writing... you are primary carer for 4 months... Just go with that.
Remind us - where are you at? You have interim court orders for parenting? final orders? NOTHING?
Ok. But what if she picks up kids from school again ?
I’m from Sydney
No orders has yet.
I’m process of affidavit and application
Should I contact my lawyer ?


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
contact csa - tell them the ex has said the kids are staying with you for the next 4 months, except for every second weekend.

Yep - contact your laywer


Well-Known Member
30 January 2017
Stay strong, easier said then done I know. But this 'game' is real to the kids. I can only imagine the washout she fills them with when she does have them, not to mention what she will say when she eventually has them back this time.

That aside - how old are the kids?

Do you have any friends or family nearby who can help? Ring your school and find out about vacation care, ours allows us to book in the night before - this might be an option for you this week. Will be $$ upfront but you will get some back.

Depending on your area you might have access to the local legal community team - I have used mine plenty. You book for 15minute sessions and it's via a $5-10 donation. Best money spent when you get the info you need and can save you using your lawyer for the really important parts - in court etc.