QLD Harassed and Threatened by Neighbours - Call the Police?

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19 February 2017
Hi all,

Hoping someone can shed some light on what to do. We're building a new home, almost finished, but currently living in two caravans. We have rather nasty neighbours who are taking revenge on us because their 3 hunting dogs tried to kill our pet cat on our land.

I let him off with no council when it happened in April last year as he promised to get rid of the dogs. He not only didn't get rid of them, he built a new cage to house them in, but then let them out again and they were coming over again to our property thru fencing that was never fixed.

I have 3 small children, and my wife and I are simply petrified of these blasted dogs. They are extremely dangerous but the owner didn't seem to care about anyone else's safety. So I finally had enough and reported it to council. They slapped him on the wrist basically, made him fix fences and keep them locked up etc.

Problem now is they are riding their motorbikes and quadbikes up and down our fence line every single day and the noise is simply putrid. I think they have taken mufflers off something. I have measured the noise at 74db inside our shed, which is next to our caravans.

Our house is a little closer to them than the shed, so it's even louder. The rev the crap of their bikes right opposite where we are building and living. It is 100% aimed at us. They never used to ride the bikes, only a mini bike is all I ever saw. Now it's loud 450's or whatever they're called, throwing up as much dust as possible, all to enact their revenge.

Neighbour threatened me when the council acted, said 'lookout cnt, you're fkng gone'. I said thanks for your kind words and walked off.

It's been months and months now and there is no let up in sight. My wife is very distressed and not coping. They are ruining our lives before we even get to live in our new home. I get that they're upset and angry, but when little kids are in danger. You have to take care of your family. Why adults have to act this way is beyond me, how many chances do you give someone before calling out for help?

It's very nasty. We haven't reacted to it, we try to ignore it but its impossible. I cannot think of what to do. My wife is afraid to go to the Police, is paranoid about them trying to kill our children or other pets. That stops me in my tracks really. I assume they have plenty of guns and knives given they have hunting dogs. They are not approachable on any level. very very nasty people.

What do I do? Call the Police?

I have plenty of videos of them doing their revenge work, it's not hard to miss. You cannot escape that sort of noise, it engulfs your entire soul and it's not just the noise it's the message behind it. We cant move, we don't want to. Well, the wife does, she's had enough.. far out what a nightmare!



19 February 2017
I'd also like to know if I can setup video cameras to record the evidence? This would be from afar, approx 100 metres away and nowhere near their home (they won't ride at their house, too noisy).

It would be mainly to cover my yard but would go to just past their fence line so would capture the bikes and quads in action zipping past.


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
Report this to council now - officially. Puts them on notice.

Starting recording with video cameras and a sound meter. Hire or borrow a calibrated sound meter and record sound inside and outside your house. Record them by panning over their property. It shows their property in relation to yours. You are not intruding on the property and you are doing it for legitimate lawful purposes.

Record the dust coming over your property.

Does this for 1 to 3 months. Then report it again to council and ask them to fix it. Go in with your evidence, be nice and ask for their help.

See if situation improves. If it doesn't see a lawyer. Get a demand letter written saying conduct is to cease. If that fails ask lawyer about taking council and neighbour to court. I'm not sure what laws in Qld exist to bring the council. I know in Vic the councils have certain responsibilities covering this kind of situation so if they fail to take measures they become partly liable for your damages.


19 February 2017
Thank you so much Rod for your reply. Council say the noise is a Police issue. Not sure about dust, maybe the EPA? I will make some calls after work today.

Thanks again, it means the world to have input when we have nobody else willing to stand up for us.


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
I'm assuming it is a rural property?

Might be hard to get much support. I know my chainsaw is bloody loud, but I live more than 1km from my nearest neighbour... Would be a different game if you're living in suburbia.

My opinion - learn to ignore it and hope they get bored and stop.


19 February 2017
Yes 15 acres. It doesn't matter what size the land is. It is next to a family's home and the noise levels are the same regardless of land size.


Well-Known Member
6 April 2016
Makes me wonder what I would do in that kind of situation?

Rather than living in fear 'if' they might do something, I might play the role of the crash test dummy and confront them so whatever they will do, they do to me and not my family, and if they don't harm me, then I know they're not stepping over that line which will be a big relief.

If they were violent then I would be forced to rent my place out to a policeman, or someone else much tougher than me and let them sort it out for me!