I've been looking everywhere for relevant information on the internet but it is very difficult to find as it is a very specific question. It would be very greatly appreciated if you could help me.
My partner was with his ex girlfriend for approx 3 years. While they were together they conceived a child, although when she was pregnant they split and she denied that the child was his, and she now has her new boyfriend's name on the child's birth certificate. Neither the mother or the new boyfriend would give permission for my partner to take a paternity DNA testing to see if the child actually is his (because he obviously wants custody). Anyway my question is, would he need consent from both the mother and the new boyfriend? As he is on the birth certificate? Also the mother doesn't have custody of the child only access on one day a week. Therefore my partner's child is living with the man who is on his birth certificate.
Pleeeease help if you can
Thank you
I've been looking everywhere for relevant information on the internet but it is very difficult to find as it is a very specific question. It would be very greatly appreciated if you could help me.
My partner was with his ex girlfriend for approx 3 years. While they were together they conceived a child, although when she was pregnant they split and she denied that the child was his, and she now has her new boyfriend's name on the child's birth certificate. Neither the mother or the new boyfriend would give permission for my partner to take a paternity DNA testing to see if the child actually is his (because he obviously wants custody). Anyway my question is, would he need consent from both the mother and the new boyfriend? As he is on the birth certificate? Also the mother doesn't have custody of the child only access on one day a week. Therefore my partner's child is living with the man who is on his birth certificate.
Pleeeease help if you can
Thank you