QLD Child Support and Medical Expenses - Am I Liable?

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Well-Known Member
11 September 2014
When my kids were 3 and 5 I skyped them for an hour once a week. During this time I read them stories, they drew pictures for me, we talked about what was going on in their lives (at that age they weren't that interested in what I had been doing lol). I also visited them about 4 times a year and they would stay with me near their house. This was enough for us to maintain a very strong relationship.

No they are older we still skype once a week, but I talk to them separately rather than together so that they get the sense of having "one on one" time with Dad. They also visit me (how often is in the hands of the family court at present).

I would suggest that you put some serious effort into regularly and routinely skyping your kids, and do what it takes to see them in person as often as possible in the near future. Then, when your youngest is familiar with you, it is more likely that sleepovers etc will stop being a problem.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Samantha - Where are you wrong in your opinion... Here is where- the bit where you feel entitled to attack the poor bloke - ... "pissy' "delusional"....Have some manners.

Another bit where you are wrong....
"like most FATHERS who HATE paying child support" - what is it like being a sexist pig??? Yup you read it right... You are assuming that firstly, only fathers pay child support and that they HATE IT.... See sexism, racism etc is making general assumption based on perceptions that are clearly wrong and impossible to substantiate .... Are you having fun yet? My ex doesn't HATE paying child support for our three children... Do you know why?? SHE DOESNT pay any... She tells CSA she earns $0 per annum. Ziltch.. Drives a car worth more than mine - has a business website etc ALL CASH MONEY... So even IF they did assess her to pay- they would not get a cent out of her....Doesn't give me permission to make assumptions about all women though? Because that would be wrong - it is wrong when you do it too and that is why you are a sexist...

9/10 NOPE wrong again

9/10 of parents who recieve child support would agree with you. But based on the folks who have responded to this thread 4/5 of them disagree with you... Ouch that must hurt... But dont worry 5/4's of people don't understand fractions anyways.... Oh I am funny...

You are wrong - this chap is not complaining about how the ex spend the child support. You mentioned designer dresses etc NOT he... He has said he is paying exactly what he is assessed to pay. You are wrong in thinking that entitles you to go on a tirade about designer dresses and holidays. WRONG WRONG WRONG.

But you're right about one thing - You are the last person who should be giving this guy advice. Check out all the guilt trip language... He has asked when and how to approach increasing his time with the youngest child... You have not given him one hint of an idea. All you have done is attack him... He asked if he has has to pay health expenses the answer is NOPE - You agree with that - BUT you still feel the right to attack him... that is wrong...

oops hang on - ok yep the facetime skype stuff is right too, Lemon also mentions it... It is definately worth thinking about and I hope you take that advice on board, I also hope the ex supports it... But let me give you a cautionary tale - When my kids lived primarily with their mum the phone calls / skype stuff became more trouble than was worth. You seem a reasonable chap. I'm sure you can realise that sometimes it is better for the kids to have mum time with mum and dad time with dad, so they are not pawns in a stupid game of adult spite... Sad but true...

Mate - IF you would like to organise more time with the kids, your first step is to discuss the possibility with the mum. Hopefully, between you two you can find some strategies to aleiviate the child's concern and the concerns of the mum. Maybe aim for 1 night to start with.. Do you think this is a possibility? So the child is 3, Does he go to pre-school? I'd have real concerns that a 3 year old shows signs of anxiety when mum is not around. You might need to talk to her about that...

Failing that - Your next step is organising mediation with her. Relationships Australia is worth a call. It will be free or almost free... i would encourage you to considr this option...

If that doesn't work you next option is applying to court, there are lots of nice - non-judgemental folk on this site who can help. You can self represent, so you don't necessarily need to employ a solicitor. I reckon you should seek orders that provide you with an understanding about when you see the kids, who pays for transport and you might want someting in there about the mother working with you to alleviate the child's anxiety... BUT I'd try to avoid this option...

Plan B - See if you can't get an agreement - it can be made into consent orders so it is legally binding.... Short version Mum agrees to work with the child and possibly a child psycholgist to help aleviate the child's anxiety - mum agrees to a particular set of arrangments about the kids... So for example that you have one overnight stay with youngest once the child psychologist determines it is ok...But the time with the kids eventuallybecomes 7 nights straight... Now in my experience you're far more likely to get somewhere if there is a honey pot... See my thinking goes like this - No you should not be emotionally abused for not paying NOPE no -one should use nasty words like 'pissy' for example... BUT the honey pot keeps things sweet.. So you agree to pay the amount paid by child support PLUS $50 a month that is the sweetener... Look there are other options, you agree to pay half all medical BUT I have found this fraught with danger - I tried that one...She gave me reciepts and I paid half.. BUT guess what my ex did... She would give me the BEFORE medicare reciept - OR she would give me reciepts for HER doctor's appointments... She even tried this little trick. Give me a reciept - I pay... Wait a few weeks and give me a photocopy of the same reciept and hit me up again.. So you want to make sure what ever happens there are clear rules

Did I mention Samantha Jay is wrong?.
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LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014

I think you both have valid points.

Saying why someone is wrong and justifying the assertion is fine, but remember there can be 2 valid sides and both sides can be right. I think this is one of those occasions where both people have equally valid points to make.

Keep on contributing guys I think you both do a good job helping people.
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Well-Known Member
4 July 2016
I still say you are reading into my comments Sammy - reading things that aren't there. Like i said, and I'll stand by it in this day and age of trying to bring kids up - $600 per month for 2 kids is a pissy amount of money to try and bring 2 kids up on - double it even and you are struggling. Throw in a child with medical issues and it's a sad state of affairs. I didn't say Mark was pissy, I said $600 per month was pissy.

I'm not saying only fathers pay child support. You've twisted my words a lot Sammy. More fathers than mothers pay child support. That's a fact. And you are so openly biased youself towards fathers on here when it comes to fathers fighting for their kids compared to mothers (you're pretty good and down to earth I'll admit but you defintely have an obvious bias) so I wouldn't take what I read on here as a great sample ie you, Allforher and Lennon and Mark. But you will so be it.

How about this for a fact - there's $1.6 billion in outstanding payments, logged by the CSA, owed overwhelmingly by fathers. That doesn't include private arrangements or deadbeat dads like my ex who just told me don't ever think I'm gonna pay you a cent in child support because I'd smash your f'en face in before that happens and there are plenty of other females like me that have been told by CSA that they won't even attempt to collect CS from these MEN! And who are the losers here - the kids.

Your ex is a special one Sammy and you got lucky.

Now as for advice about Mark wanting to see his 3 year old for a week once a year - where did I use guilt trip language? Mark himself said this:

"Im a distance parent by choice so she has 100% care. I again due to my own choices have no relationship with the youngest. I see the kids once year. With facetime contact where i can fit it in."

Mark was extremely honest in explaining what he's prepared to give of himself to his kids. I feel sorry for you Sammy if you think my advice of a 3yo not wanting to spend time with the dad he gets to see once a year and is going to think the dad is pretty much a stranger, is a guilt trip. I grabbed the easiest thing of what he had on offer, for him to do to try and improve and strenghthen his relationship with his 3 year old - some regularity with facetime and skype sessions. You can go to all the child psychologists in the world and I doubt you are going to find one that says "I think taking your 3 year old for one night or 1 week a year is in the child's best interests and just have the occassional facetime with him when you feel like it as the cherry on top".

Sammy, every doctor's visit receipt I've ever seen has the patient's name on it.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Yup you're totally right - he should pay more I agree with you $600 is pissy.... I also agree with you that he should pay the $600 he is assessed to pay... No wait... Oh I get so confused.... You do agree he should pay as per the assessment right? yet you feel entitled to abuse him for paying according to the assessment? you're no longer arguing with me -you are arguing with yourself... and you don't even seem capable of winning that one.

Pissy -delusional and deadbeat dads is offensive. You owe Mark an apology....
YUP every doctor's visit always has the patients name. the eftpos slip doesn't...


Well-Known Member
4 July 2016
Sammy, you continue to twist my comments or take them out of context to make your point.

I said $600 is pissy in light of what it costs per month to bring up 2 children. I never said Mark is pissy. I did not abuse him for paying what he is assessed as needing to pay. I told him he is delusional if he thinks $600 plus FTB per month covers the cost of raising 2 children. I actually said he is deluded but that is past tense so thank you Sammy for using the right tense there.

I know CSA makes an assessment and that is legally what should be paid. So, I agree he is making the correct payment if he is paying the assessed amount. I’m not arguing with Mark or myself, seems I’m only arguing with you Sammy over what I supposedly said. Reread my comment Sammy, I said he is deluded (but should have said delusional) if he thinks $600 plus FTB per month covers the cost of raising 2 children.

As for deadbeat dads, I called my ex a deadbeat dad, not Mark. Read it in context Sammy…

“there's $1.6 billion in outstanding payments, logged by the CSA, owed overwhelmingly by fathers. That doesn't include private arrangements or deadbeat dads like my ex…”

So clearly I wasn’t referring to Mark at all as he made it clear he pays the assessed CS amount.

Further on the name calling, you are the one that called me a SEXIST PIG Sammy because I said “Like most fathers that hate paying CS,”….well Mark made the comment himself that his ex should be saving from the CS and FTB for a rainy day to pay things like the child’s medical bills. But just prior to that he told us that “we had a private agreement where she sent me receipts at the end of the month for the expenses of the two kids and I paid half. Then on a few occasions, I had some unforeseen expenses and couldn't pay.”

So Mark’s ex should be saving for the rainy day expenses of their child’s medical bills but Mark clearly hadn’t been saving for a rainy day for his unforeseen expenses and instead chose to not pay his half of the expenses for the two children (back when they had their private agreement).

I can’t see where Mark said his ex was providing eftpos slips for the paid doctors’ visits. He only mentioned receipts. I don’t think Mark was disputing whether the child went to a medical appointment or not, only whether he should pay half now that he pays assessed CS each month. Maybe you owe Mark’s ex an apology Sammy for implying that she could be trying to pass off medical visit receipts that were hers for reimbursement of ½ by Mark. Because your ex did it afterall.

Anyway Mark, Sammy usually doesn’t hold back on his advice – I’ve noticed he generally is very forthright and calls a spade a spade. Sammy’s opinion is that I owe you an apology. I apologise if you, like Sammy, felt that I attacked you. I hope you feel you received some constructive advice regarding your 3 year old. I’m also the type that calls a spade a spade and I strongly feel that you need to put more effort into seeing your kids. Your relationship with them will only be as strong as what you give it. There is no magic that will make your 3yo happy to leave the one constant figure in his life to go and spend a week with you, without some or most likely a lot of, distress. There are a lot of parents on here that have long distance relationships with their kids. Yours are so young right now so it’s up to you to put the effort in. You will reap what you sow. When they are a bit older, you’ll be able to have them come to you as well.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
ok trying really hard here to keep the peace... BUT
Samantha wrote "Your ex is a special one Sammy and you got lucky."
u'm speechless...

Tim W

LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
28 April 2014


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Man up?pay up?he has... it is called child support...

$600 a month for two - kids leads me to believe this guy is on the lower end of the income scale... and he asked is he liable for the medical expenses... So this is a law forum right? then the answer is NO - you're obligation has been met through the child support assessment

Tim W

LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
28 April 2014
...and people wonder why I don't do family law...

There are two things in play here.
One is that he "skipped" several payments
because he had expenses that he deemed more important
(what's more important than your child support obligations?),
and she went him for the money.
I actually don't have too much of a problem with active collection in such cases.

The other is the notion that by paying the absolute minimum sum,
a person can buy their way out of their further parental responsibilities.
That's a nonsense.

If a family all lived together in one normative nuclear household,
and one of the kids became sick, then it would be
all parental financial hands on deck.
No matter how much or little money that actually was.

In terms of an absentee parent's responsibilities,
I see no difference.
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