NSW Certificate 60i Sent to Family Court - Will I be Informed?

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Well-Known Member
10 July 2018
Will I be informed if a certificate 60i has been sent to the family court about my daughter who is 16 months old? (Note: Father is not on the birth certificate due to his absence since recently).

But I'm wondering if he has sent the certificate he has from mediation, surely I would be notified if there is a case sent in over my child? Or would I just wait the months it takes and receive an order to attend when the time comes?


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
So the 60I certificate doesn't get sent to the court automatically. Your ex will have to make an application to the courts and then serve you with his application and you would then have time to respond.


Well-Known Member
10 July 2018
so the 60I certificate doesn't get sent to the court automatically. Your ex will have to make an application to the courts and then serve you with his application and you would then have time to respond.
Ok. So he would have to send his application and then how mch time do you think between handing in and me receiving? and then between my notice and the actual appearance in court?

sammy, you seem to know alot about this; how things go and what they look for to help, can you message on this thing? could i pick your brain?


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Months - He applies to court and then has to serve you the paperwork by a set date, you then have time to organise a response.
Only too happy to help, but smarter punters who have gone through this more recently than me will also help


Well-Known Member
10 July 2018
Months - He applies to court and then has to serve you the paperwork by a set date, you then have time to organise a response.
Only too happy to help, but smarter punters who have gone through this more recently than me will also help

Only because I want the best possible outcome for my daughter. Unfortunately the father has been mostly absent all her life . Visited maybe 16days put.of 16mo (his choice) never denied a visit except the last time due to I was sick and late notice. Now he wants more visiting rights (he lives in Qld im in Sydney) my main concern is his lack of consistency in her life. It will be more damaging than him not being around at all. I made an agreement for us (he refused to do thework) and he wanted to visit every fortnight. He has come the first time and as I suspected never heard from him again . As from now I'm fed Up with him and sick of bending backwards so he can see his child .. onlly for her to be upset aand confused when I leave her and then clingy and attached to my hip when she is back (makes life hard) obvs refusing visits won't look good for me if he trys to visit again outside of our non enforcble agreement. But myself and my daughter need cooonsistancy and he proves time Nd time again to not be commited. If I just dont answer him anymore (next time he decides to be a dad for the qeekend) how s**t on will I be in court you think? Or do you think the judge will understand the lack of his effort and inconsistent visits and contact and not punish me for it?