I was off sick and my state manager sent a text message saying it was urgent and tried calling me multiple times. I also had messages from a colleague saying she believes they are going to fire her and requested a meeting in 48hrs. I called my colleague and she stated that she received a letter of notification and was told she would be terminated dependant on her response. We have had continued issues with our state manager who is in a relationship with a top staff member in upper-management in our company, is located interstate and never available despite urgent issues. Our state had a petition and mass walk out of contracted employees due to this recently. We were the two middle management staff who were backing our staff and contractors when they went ahead with the petition.
When I spoke with my manager she informed me of a formal meeting (refused to give any further details) was to be held in 48 hrs at another company location. I knew it sounded suspicious I requested what the nature of this meeting was with no response after multiple requests during this call she finally said a complaint was put in, from some time ago regarding conversations on Facebook. I have contacted all old and current staff to clarify if they had lodged a complaint of any form about myself and/or the other colleague. All have responded no.
After the jolting call, I was emailed a letter of formal meeting notification. This is the first and only disciplinary or performance meeting/action I have ever received in this company. The letter states the reason for the meeting being conversations via Facebook - derogatory language, discrimination and breach of company social media policy.
That same evening I went to check my conversations via Facebook, any content posted on my account and said by either of us in our group chat. All group chat conversations were fairly tame on our behalf if anything the nature of conversations from all staff in group chat was equal and would warrant other staff to have disciplinary action if so. I have had multiple conversations with colleagues, friends and staff privately via Facebook, using the app on my personal phone. I would suspect this claim is about private and confidential conversations had by myself and my colleague via Facebook.
While checking historical conversations I also checked my security log and discovered my facebook account was being accessed by an unknown PC and the last time had been only 45 mins beforehand by a company (my employers) registered PC using chrome (Chrome saves passwords) - out of business hours in the evening - The PC is clearly registered by the company when tracing the IP address. I have saved evidence of it all and was wondering what laws they have broken accessing my account, using chrome to bypass password/login and whether using private conversations to dismiss staff without prior warnings is lawful. Especially considering the background of the situation.
Any of the laws and acts would be a great help. Thank you!
When I spoke with my manager she informed me of a formal meeting (refused to give any further details) was to be held in 48 hrs at another company location. I knew it sounded suspicious I requested what the nature of this meeting was with no response after multiple requests during this call she finally said a complaint was put in, from some time ago regarding conversations on Facebook. I have contacted all old and current staff to clarify if they had lodged a complaint of any form about myself and/or the other colleague. All have responded no.
After the jolting call, I was emailed a letter of formal meeting notification. This is the first and only disciplinary or performance meeting/action I have ever received in this company. The letter states the reason for the meeting being conversations via Facebook - derogatory language, discrimination and breach of company social media policy.
That same evening I went to check my conversations via Facebook, any content posted on my account and said by either of us in our group chat. All group chat conversations were fairly tame on our behalf if anything the nature of conversations from all staff in group chat was equal and would warrant other staff to have disciplinary action if so. I have had multiple conversations with colleagues, friends and staff privately via Facebook, using the app on my personal phone. I would suspect this claim is about private and confidential conversations had by myself and my colleague via Facebook.
While checking historical conversations I also checked my security log and discovered my facebook account was being accessed by an unknown PC and the last time had been only 45 mins beforehand by a company (my employers) registered PC using chrome (Chrome saves passwords) - out of business hours in the evening - The PC is clearly registered by the company when tracing the IP address. I have saved evidence of it all and was wondering what laws they have broken accessing my account, using chrome to bypass password/login and whether using private conversations to dismiss staff without prior warnings is lawful. Especially considering the background of the situation.
Any of the laws and acts would be a great help. Thank you!