NSW Committee - Letter Of Demand From Former Leader

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15 September 2014
Hello, I am a member of a committee we have just had a change of leadership within our group and the old group leader has handed over a bill for a substantial amount of money. As our Organisation and information handbook states that

Payment of Group Accounts
The Group Support Committee shall approve
each payment from its funds. Payments, other than those of a
repetitive or routine nature, shall be made only after consultation with the Group Council.

I have gone through the minutes of the last nine months of meetings and no mention is made of the monies that are owed. no request for purchases made.

We have paid one third of the bill and are willing to pay the other amount that is outstanding when we have the finances but we have just received a letter of demand from a solicitor instructing us to pay the amount in full within seven days. We have access to funds but we don't believe that we should have to dip into money that has been given to us in grants for other projects. We don't believe that this money should be paid as they did not follow committee rules as they were husband and wife and the only signatories of the account.
My question is do we have to pay this money now and if we don't are we going to be up for the money spent by these people if they have to fight through a solicitor to get the money sooner. I mean are we in the wrong and do we have to pay?


Dear Smarti49,

Unless you feel you have grounds to dispute the former Leader's entitlement to the funds claimed, which does not appear to be the case since you have already paid 1/3 of the bill, yes you have the pay the remainder of the bill. However the fact that you have already partly paid the bill does not prevent you from defending the claim on the basis that you dispute the amount of the debt.

If the bill or the contract that you had with your former leader does not stipulate a time for payment then the law will assume that the monies are payable within a "reasonable time".

If he does decide to incur legal costs in recovering the debt from you. Yes you may ultimately be liable for legal costs as well.

Tim W

LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
28 April 2014
What is the nature of the amount being sought?
Is it re-imbursment for bona fide expenses incurred?
Is the claim supported with Tax Invoices?


15 September 2014
What is the nature of the amount being sought?
Is it re-imbursment for bona fide expenses incurred?
Is the claim supported with Tax Invoices?
Hi thanks for the questions. The monies being sought are for purchases made for the group. The committee objects to paying now as it will leave the group non financial. the claim is supported by tax invoices but the items purchased where not passed by the committee before purchase was made. Many of the purchases the committee feel are extreme for such a small group.
Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
25 March 2021
Perth, WA
As committee meeting should have been held and topic of purchase should have been listed on the Agenda either agreed or not and decision is recorded in the minutes of meeting. This person has made this purchase without committees aithorisation and is actually illegal..Was the purchases used by the committee? If so then yes invoice needs to be honoured in good faith. Any outcome also needs to be listed for discussion and recorded in minutes and Treasurer to include in annual expenses and stern clarification of rules of your model constitution should be also clearly communicated to committee and recorded. If not, the above then this becomes a legal issue and committee member needs to advise why its illegal eg monies held in "trust". This person may not realise or worse brazenly saw an opportunity for gain eg stealing g. what they've done is illegal and they'll need pay or its reported to your governing body nd police. Everything the committee does or spends is discussed,voted, passed and recorded by the secretary in minutes and then sent out to committee members along with next Agenda. Depending the size and sector of your committes organisation its hard to be clearer but this may help. Search results for "Financial records"You can also browse by selecting one or more tags from the sidebar. | Not-for-profit Law @ Justice Connect

Tim W

LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
28 April 2014

Tim W

LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
28 April 2014
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