VIC Sexting Issue - I need help please

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Leo Soo Young

7 June 2018
Long story short, a person (person A) in my life has come open to me in a dire situation that you could most likely guess from the title. Person A a few years ago (3 years) who came from China who had no idea and education about the dangers and laws of sexting (as they do not teach and inform this aspect a lot) was approached by a student (person B), who after a couple of months of communicating and talking to each other, asked Person A for explicit photos. Because of the lack of knowledge and obviously naivety, Person A sent photos to Person B. Almost 2 and a half years have passed and for this duration, Person B has not contacted Person A. However, around a couple weeks ago, Person B once again contacted Person A. Person A feels uncomfortable and is nervous of how Person B is thinking considering what A did a few years ago, however Person A, even though they want to tell Person B that they are uncomfortable with talking to them. According to A, Person B is talking very casual and very open and A wants to cut connections. Furthermore, A cannot and is scared to do this as obviously they are in fear of B still having the explicit photos and therefore using it against them.

If there are any safe and secure ways to solve this issue with both A and B walking away happy please help. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as this is obviously a contentious situation of who is right and who is wrong, however the end goal is for a peaceful agreement.


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
If person B sends those photos to anyone else without the permission of person A then person B is breaking the law, the criminal law. Person A cannot control the behaviour of person B but can say no more contact I've moved on and leave it at that. Then block person B's number after a week just to make sure nothing untoward occurs. If photos are released put it down to life experience, report it to police and then move on. Worse things could have happened.
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Well-Known Member
6 April 2016
Warning; Person A could be in serious trouble if person B was underage at the time the pictures were sent? Aside from that, what Rod above said,


Well-Known Member
3 June 2018
How old are both parties? This is the most important point in this case....

Legislation changed July 1st 2017 in relation to 'Sexting' but this happened prior, so the old offences apply.... There are certainly a number of options available to your friend, but it may just be a case of telling the other person that they don't want to communicate anymore and if they continue they will go to the Police.... If the other person continues there are charges, such as Stalking, using a carriage service to menace... but it always depends on the circumstances.


Well-Known Member
8 June 2018
Don't worry imo, if I am person B, I wouldn't threaten to post these photos just because person A doesn't want to talk to me anymore.