My son died intestate 4 years ago, his estate was simple, and his father and I were equal next of kin and therefore the only beneficiaries. His father and I are estranged. The right to administer the estate was granted to his father by the Tasmanian Court. Most of the estate was disbursed over two years ago, but a balance has been withheld (in case). At first I was being verbally informed about progress on the estate, but I've heard nothing in two years and I've never received any paperwork.
My questions are:
1) What are my rights under Tasmanian law to a Statement of Distribution and explanations to justify delays in finalising the estate?
2) As beneficiary, how can I get my share of the balance sooner rather than later? (dealings with my ex have not been cordial, and letters and phone calls to his solicitor are met with "we can't do anything without instructions from the administrator")?
My questions are:
1) What are my rights under Tasmanian law to a Statement of Distribution and explanations to justify delays in finalising the estate?
2) As beneficiary, how can I get my share of the balance sooner rather than later? (dealings with my ex have not been cordial, and letters and phone calls to his solicitor are met with "we can't do anything without instructions from the administrator")?