WA Purchased Fake Adidas Sneakers Off Gumtree - What to Do?

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Karen Boyd

28 September 2016
I purchased an item off Gumtree. My partner collected them for me (Adidas sneakers). When he got home, I looked and realised the shoes were, in fact, not authentic as the ad said and she had said to me in email when I asked if they were genuine.

I contacted the lady immediately telling her and requesting my money back and that I will show her how they are fake (she has 60 listings on Gumtree selling many items that look fake but are listed as genuine). She said no refund and is now ignoring all messages (even off different numbers).

What can be done now under Australian Consumer Law, please, as it was a lot of money for shoes?


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
You have her name and address, possibly email, so send a letter/email saying she needs to refund the money. Take her to VCAT if she won't refund the money.

The fact that she has 60 listings is indicative of a trader and will likely bring in coverage of the ACL. Recommend you take screen shots of all her listings before sending the correspondence in case she pulls them down.