VIC Mobile Phone Number Posted on Third Party Website - Lodge Complaint?

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Active Member
2 October 2014
Hi, I've had my mobile phone number posted on a third party website, e.g. not a police related website by the investigating officer (see my previous post), and defaming me by talking about alleged offences I haven't even been charged with! I've also received pranks calls at odd hours of the morning because of this. Do I have grounds (i.e. defamation) to make an official complaint? And if so who do I complain to? My lawyers seemed reluctant to pursue this as to not antagonise the police!


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
First: Take a copy of the information posted on the website. Demand the removal of your mobile number from the owners of the web site and ask for the details of who placed the information.

Second: Keep notes of all conversations. Write up everything for your own notes while you can remember them.

Third: Listen to your lawyer. However much it annoys and angers you, you do not gain anything by antagonising the police officer who may or may not decide to press charges against you. You can inflame the situation more than it needs to be.

Fourth: Buy a punching bag and put blue and white checks on it, use it, and then listen to your lawyer.

Police investigating police misbehaviour is a joke in this state. Corinna Horvath's UN case is a highlight for how poorly the system works - there is an ABC interview posted online about this case. Recommend you only complain if charges are laid against you - not because it is the right way to do things, but to protect yourself as much as possible.

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