NSW Likelihood of Getting Relocation Request Approved?

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Well-Known Member
24 April 2018
Please stop 'attacking the person'.

It is a sad fact of life domestic abuse is real, domestic violence is real. People die from domestic violence.

Dealing with a nutter is completely different to dealing with a violent nutter. So, one poster dealing with DV issues needs to handle the situation differently to another poster dealing with an ex who is merely delusional.

Present your arguments and why, then leave it to the OP to decide what works in their situation, there is no need to start or respond in a way that gets personal. I admit it can be hard to resist and I've fallen into this defensive mode from time to time. Occasionally an OP needs a wake call but not sure I see that here.

What I am seeing here, is crossing the line of what I believe this forum is about.

People who have suffered significant Domestic Family Violence over a prolonged period of time learn - eventually - to stop being a victim and begin fighting back against those who choose to oppress or try to, When I post a question I am merely looking for the correct answer.. advice is good but unless it relates to the question it is useless, Rod is the only person on here who is strong enough and knowledgeable enough to provide good acceptable advice, logical reason and a genuine understanding of the issues raised and gets treated with the same respect with which he deals with others, when you offend someone, or put them down in any way, when your own lack of understanding or bad judgement gets in the way of assisting the person asking for help you are no good for that person and should have the decency to stay away.. but some of you act like narcissists, as a result do you really believe I now want to post anything about my personal life? Share what I endure? Explain anything ? When you attack through your own ignorance you effectively slam that open door shut..


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
The family law system can be frustrating to work within and sometimes here we see posts from people just wanting validation for their bad behaviour.

People here do not support bad behaviour, whether it be by a man or a woman and mistakes do happen.

Your point has been made, and acknowledgement noted by others so there is no longer any need to continue along the same lines as the last two posts.


Well-Known Member
24 April 2018
The family law system can be frustrating to work within and sometimes here we see posts from people just wanting validation for their bad behaviour.

People here do not support bad behaviour, whether it be by a man or a woman and mistakes do happen.

Your point has been made, and acknowledgement noted by others so there is no longer any need to continue along the same lines as the last two posts.



Well-Known Member
5 February 2018


Well-Known Member
24 April 2018
Yes Sammy.. Please listen to her, she knows it all.. Shes been in court for 8 years and counting.

The poor cherubs, lets hope they have enough free time to escape your mindset

I make it 22.
Press the "ignore" button?


Well-Known Member
14 January 2018
Wondering if Rod or All for her could answer this for me please? Or someone with good legal advice please? I didn't continue following this thread and wasn't aware of the arguments going on sorry. So my situation has changed. I haven't moved. I am however back with my eldest sons father and we are getting married. I have not been to court with the younger children's father and we have not got any court orders in place yet. The father of my youngest children has been having them overnight every Thursday and every second weekend Fri-Monday :) I'm still suggesting he have them every school holidays, skype every week and visit them during the school term. I want to move to be with my eldest sons father to be a family again. Wondering if you have any knowledge of this happening before, advice, suggestions please?


Well-Known Member
2 February 2019
Wondering if Rod or All for her could answer this for me please? Or someone with good legal advice please? I didn't continue following this thread and wasn't aware of the arguments going on sorry. So my situation has changed. I haven't moved. I am however back with my eldest sons father and we are getting married. I have not been to court with the younger children's father and we have not got any court orders in place yet. The father of my youngest children has been having them overnight every Thursday and every second weekend Fri-Monday :) I'm still suggesting he have them every school holidays, skype every week and visit them during the school term. I want to move to be with my eldest sons father to be a family again. Wondering if you have any knowledge of this happening before, advice, suggestions please?

So not seeing them for a few months at a time? I doubt he would agree to that. Or you think he will? Also wouldn't his child support go up significantly?


Well-Known Member
14 January 2018
So not seeing them for a few months at a time? I doubt he would agree to that. Or you think he will? Also wouldn't his child support go up significantly?

So him not agreeing to that move would make me stay? Even when my eldest sons father and I are reunited?
I wouldn't be interested in the maintenance going up.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
that is the law. The kid has had 5 nights a fortnight with dad for a long time. True? There is an assumption in the law that it is in the best interest of the child to have a meaningful relationship with both parents and that is priority NUMBER 1. The fact that you've reunited with the other ex doesn't change that fact. IT is of zero relevance.

I understand that you might not be interested in the maintenance going up... BUT it would because the child support agency assess these things based on a set of equations, much in the same way that the tax office determine how much tax we have to pay.

Your best bet, is for the new hubby to move to where you live OR for you to offer for the child to live with dad an spend time with you. Plan B - move and hope dad doesn't seek court intervention as a result. But if he did, I'd like to think he would succeed in having the child returned to him.... The dad does have some rights here too? true?


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
Hard to say what a court will do. It is the detail of the matter and the Judge you get that will determine the outcome. You can move and take a punt the twins' father will not take you to court. Unsettling all round though and not a stable situation.

Can the your eldest child's father move in with you? This is the simplest solution from a family law perspective, though I accept it may not work from an employment viewpoint.

Have you tried talking it out with the twins' father?