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25 July 2021
hi everyone first of all thabks for advance for all kind of answers and helps.

my friend (she is turkish but dutch citizen lives in the netherlands)marryed with and australian citizen guy(he is turkish too but lives in australia ) in 2019 in turkey and they made proper wedding (wedding party ,gifts, around 300 gram gold etc)

after wedding the guy asked her come to australia and after a while we can go back to the netherlands and leave australia for good.she came to australia and lived in sydney with him in his parents house for 1 year . while they live together he didnt let her work (she is psycologist in netherlands) and he put alot of pressure on her.after one year she told him she wanted to back to netherlands and wait for him and she left australia in 2021.she start work in netherlands and asked him come to netherlands and setup their new life.he refuse leave australia and told her to wait.she waited 7 month time and after she realised he cheated her . and she wanted to divorce but he asked for her golds.long story short they opened a divorcing case in turkey he told her of you dont give me half of the golds given in wedding he wont divorce.she is in deep depression and getting help from.doctors because he kind of block her freedom.we called few australian lawyers and they just charged $440 for phone conversation for nothing all they said is she can opened a case but gonna be expensive etc.in this case i believe ots kind of he scammed her and he lives in australia freely.is there any lawyer can help her (of course not free)she want to open a case agains him for divorcing and claim for her emotional damage.

please any kind of help will be wonderful.

thanks again

Tim W

LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
28 April 2014
When people get married in Turkey, but are, or become, citizens of somewhere else,
it is still possible to (as they say) "petition" for a divorce in Turkey.

Is the only sticking point the gold?
And there's only 300 grams?
I wonder if she could not think about the gold items,
but instead, think about the dollar value of the gold,
and offer that amount in cash.
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Well-Known Member
11 May 2020
I’m not a lawyer, but a quick google search tells me that if one partner lives in Australia and is an Australian citizen then either party can apply for a divorce in Australia.

Australian divorces are no fault, and only require simple paperwork and can be done easily by yourself. It is necessary to be separated for 12 months before applying.

If your friend does not want or need a property settlement then that would be the path I would go down.

I doubt it would be worth the cost to fight over 300 grams of gold.


25 July 2021
I’m not a lawyer, but a quick google search tells me that if one partner lives in Australia and is an Australian citizen then either party can apply for a divorce in Australia.

Australian divorces are no fault, and only require simple paperwork and can be done easily by yourself. It is necessary to be separated for 12 months before applying.

If your friend does not want or need a property settlement then that would be the path I would go down.

I doubt it would be worth the cost to fight over 300 grams of gold.
thanls for the reply really thanks


25 July 2021
I’m not a lawyer, but a quick google search tells me that if one partner lives in Australia and is an Australian citizen then either party can apply for a divorce in Australia.

Australian divorces are no fault, and only require simple paperwork and can be done easily by yourself. It is necessary to be separated for 12 months before applying.

If your friend does not want or need a property settlement then that would be the path I would go down.

I doubt it would be worth the cost to fight over 300 grams of gold.
hi tim thanls for your reppy . she is in depress because other part doesnt answer to court papers.she want to keep the golds and cash money because her family gave more than the other side.also she said he abuse her in sydney many times and she have witnesses. she only want give him a lesson in australian courts.are you in sydney ?