VIC Forcing a 4-Year-Old to Travel 8+ Hours - What to Do?

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9 July 2015
My ex and I have been split for almost 4 years now (separation), and we have a 4 and a half year old son together. He spends every second weekend with his father, and has usually travelled between us both roughly 2 hours each way. He was spending from Friday afternoon until Sunday afternoon roughly with his father (custody of children).

Well, now my ex has moved over 4 hours drive away and still wants our son from Saturday morning until Sunday afternoon. I don't believe a 4-year-old child should spend 8 hours out of a weekend stuck traveling in a car when he doesn't want to go is very fair. But my ex believes I am being selfish and deliberately keeping our son from him.

What can I do in this travel situation?


Well-Known Member
23 July 2014
You should organise a family dispute resolution conference to try and negotiate a new arrangement that is more realistic. A court would be unlikely to order a child of that age (or any age, I would argue) to travel four hours each way to spend time with a parent every second weekend because it's not reasonably practicable and it's not in the child's best interests.

Instead, consider one weekend a month, plus every long weekend during school terms and half of all school holidays, as well as regular Skype calls. Also consider how the child's time with the father will be facilitated. Will you meet halfway? Will the father pick the child up at commencement and you collect the child at conclusion? What's the best way to balance the added travel cost?

Hope this helps.
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9 July 2015
We already meet halfway as I study 3 days a week and he works 5 days a week.
He refuses to drive the entire way and creates multiple excuses not to.
He often do the same when we were living much closer (within 45 minutes) and in the same town.
I just want what is best for our son.