Hello, I'm after some help regarding a messy situation I find myself in. My de facto and I separated in Mid November. I discovered evidence of him possessing child pornography. I reported it to the police. They have arrested and charged him a few weeks ago. He is currently on bail. Victims Services are paying for counselling. I have applied for recognition payment, but from what I understand the amount of compensation is probably not going to be very much money, if any. I am suffering emotionally. My medical team would be able to confirm this. It is my belief that he is personality disordered, perhaps a sociopath. I'm not sure I'll ever trust again. We have approx $150,000 equity in the home, the sale has settled in Mid March. I have a family law solicitor acting on my behalf. I am not sure how much I am likely to get at this stage. I have contacted another solicitor to investigate defamation, but it looks as though it might not be a strong case.
My question is, can I sue for damages for the emotional damage he has caused me? My life has been turned up side down and Victims Services doesn't quite cut it for what is turning out to be a living nightmare. PTSD could be a possibility. I also have a chronic illness that has been exacerbated due to his behaviour.
Thanks for you help.
My question is, can I sue for damages for the emotional damage he has caused me? My life has been turned up side down and Victims Services doesn't quite cut it for what is turning out to be a living nightmare. PTSD could be a possibility. I also have a chronic illness that has been exacerbated due to his behaviour.
Thanks for you help.