I lent a car and keys to my daughter's 18-year-old boyfriend. The car was for sale in a mechanical workshop.
I gave him the keys as he expressed interest in purchasing the car for $1250.00
He subsequently racked up red light infringements, speeding infringements and fuel drive offs in the car. The owner of the car is saying I am to blame. The workshop owner is saying he wants all my personal details.
I wasn't a paid employer, I was an assistant mechanic on shared income (piece work).
Who is at fault for this mess?
I gave him the keys as he expressed interest in purchasing the car for $1250.00
He subsequently racked up red light infringements, speeding infringements and fuel drive offs in the car. The owner of the car is saying I am to blame. The workshop owner is saying he wants all my personal details.
I wasn't a paid employer, I was an assistant mechanic on shared income (piece work).
Who is at fault for this mess?