QLD Domestic violence order dismissed in court but I’m being re issued?

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21 June 2018
Hi my ex boyfriend who I have a current dvo against has issued me with a police dvo that’s full of lies so I went to court on Monday and Tuesday and both cases dismissed. The police have just left but have re issued the dvo? Is this even legal? He is trying for custody of my child so he has put a lot of nasty nasty things in this. No police seem to want to know my side of the story my statements are not even taken into consideration? I’m a single Mum on a budget and they have re issued this to go to court on Tuesday I didn’t want a long court case to drag out as he wants to adjourn everything to give himself more time to try for custody. What should I do??


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
Is the new DVO over a new incident? or over incidents already in previous DVO applications?

At the next hearing say you want the ex declared as vexatious so he needs court approval before he can allege another DVO incident has occured.

Bill Murray

Well-Known Member
6 June 2018
The Police wouldn't do it for no reason.

My guess is the previous one was dismissed on a technicality or the Police could not present something required (such as a statement to prove service) and the magistrate decided to be a dick and dismiss it as opposed to adjourning it till they could present it.