VIC Who do I complain to about the "Orders and Reasons" Delivered by a Family Court Judge?

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18 March 2023

Who do I complain to about the "Orders and Reasons" delivered by a Family Court Judge? (Before the Courts merged).

In this I will refer to the Judge as JJ, and my ex partner as EX

I have the following complaints:
Despite JJ saying she would deliver the decision in 2 months, it took almost 12. (The entire case brought by EX took aver 5 years and there had been 2 sets of Final Orders prior to that). It was moved from the Federal Circuit Court after EX lodged papers on the trial Date.
The JJ made numerous false statements in her reasons, including saying that I had stated the I had received an inheritance of $$$.
The fact is - I did receive an inheritance, but hugely less than $$$, and the Ex had perjured herself in an affidavit to say it was $$$. JJ took what the EX said as fact, and then stated in her reason that I had agreed it as $$$. I most certainly did not, and the transcript shows it. This is one of the many instances of bias I believe JJ showed.
EX has repeatedly used the Reasons with the amount of $$$ in other forums - eg Govt Depts, to adversely affect me, and make false and malicious claims
JJ repeatedly made false assumptions as to events that had happened, on every occasion finding EX's version of events was reasonable and/or mine was false.
JJ refused to allow me to put into evidence almost any of my over 100 attachments: (due to me getting the Affidavit in after the 48 hour rule - due to a disk crash). Including:
showing that EX has a criminal conviction for breaching a Police issued Intervention order), and that I have had costs awarded to me twice (which is highly unusual) in previous false IVO applications EX failed in.
In her reasons, I believe that JJ lied by omission in saying something like: "the case was conducted by the Respondent's Outline of a Case", and not mentioning that she had repeatedly refused to allow this evidence.
At one point JJ condescendingly said something like "I understand that your whole case is that EX is lying". Well - yes... pretty much. However I strongly believe that denying me the right to actually present the numerous evidence of this, denied me procedural fairness.
JJ also refused to allow me to introduce video evidence and 000 call evidence of when EX and family members arrived at my house, ambushed me, and violently attacked me (again). I have a recording of the actual attack happening. The Vic Police subsequently charged EX and a family member with Assault in Company and Trespass.
This refusal to allow evidence to the Court, carried across to Independent Experts, when JJ did not allow me to show them evidence that directly contradicted things EX had told them, and was in their reports.. Therefore it was impossible to cross examine the experts reasonably.

I know that to an outsider this sounds fanciful, but it's all 100% true, and I can prove it all.

Also - please note, that this is only a subset of the things that I believe that the Judge did wrong.. I've probably forgotten many others.

I have had severe depression since the end of the case hearings, and am only now able to start to try to fight back, for the sake of my Children.


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
An appeal is the correct way to go, however you may be out of time - 28 days from the date of the final orders.