WA Family Violence Restraining Order

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Well-Known Member
2 February 2019
Thanks for the update and good luck. Maybe stay away from women for the time being?


Well-Known Member
9 July 2019
Thanks for the update and good luck. Maybe stay away from women for the time being?

Excellent advice which has been given to me by more than one person. I am actually in another relationship but taking things very slow. What can I say, I love the company of women and refuse to believe that they are all bitches. Here's hoping I ain't back here with another tale of woe in the future :oops:


Well-Known Member
9 July 2019
The latest:

I was meant to be at Family Court today but on Friday my ex wife's lawyer emailed me requesting that the proceedings be discontinued and that the original Final Court Orders agreed on Nov 2018 to be re-instated.

Well seeing as this was exactly what I had wanted all along I graciously accepted her "offer" :rolleyes:

And most importantly my relationship with my daughters goes from strength to strength, in my very biased opinion they are smashing kids :)

On the ex-girlfriend front, the FVRO I got out against her around 3 weeks ago remains unserved. I might be wrong, but I have a feeling she may have left WA. She is originally from the UK and may have decided that things are getting too hot for her because she has broken a number of laws in her pursuit of jealous vengeance. I really hope she stays around and I get to challenge her blatant lies in court.

For example I got the transcript from the hearing for the interim FVRO she got out against me. She turned up at the court in MAY 2019 in a full leg brace after surgery to fix the damage from my alleged assault on her in DECEMBER 2018. The thing is I have a letter from her doctor that she shared with me before we split up. This surgery on her knee was planned back in November 2018 for a PRE-EXISTING condition. And she lied to the court claiming the injury was from me assaulting to her. She completely took the piss out of the court and the magistrate and I have proof that it was all bulls**t.

She has done lots more naughty (and criminal) s**t so I hope I get my day in court with her.

Anyways just thought I would give an update


Well-Known Member
9 July 2019
After my trials and tribulations, I had a thought that I would like to give something back e.g. a charity that supports father or something like that. I have been incredibly lucky that my education and profession gave me the tools and ability to successfully fight my case. I am sure there are many decent fathers out there who don't have these skills or the money to pay for lawyers that could do with help. Maybe even spending a bit of my free time answering phone calls from distressed fathers. I don't know. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Mate have a look at mensline - Sadly, I can't recommend it. For a while it was a great online forum that was less legal focused than this site. But good moral support, I've even met a few guys in real life from there...
But - I'd like you to have a look at the site - see how you go. Maybe you can join the mob that want it re-instated to its previous glory as a peer support site.

mensline - Google Search


Well-Known Member
9 July 2019
Mate have a look at mensline - Sadly, I can't recommend it. For a while it was a great online forum that was less legal focused than this site. But good moral support, I've even met a few guys in real life from there...
But - I'd like you to have a look at the site - see how you go. Maybe you can join the mob that want it re-instated to its previous glory as a peer support site.

mensline - Google Search

Will do mate


Well-Known Member
6 February 2019


Well-Known Member
9 July 2019
Thanks for the feedback.... good outcome. I'm sure it will give hope to some going through similar injustice...

Regarding donations/assistance, here's another site that might be worth checking out >>> Men's Rights Agency | Men's rights, fathers rights, family law, child support, domestic violence, discrimination

All the best for future liaisons of the female kind in particular... There are some good ones out there. Third time lucky for me :)

I will look at that site, thanks

And I have had two disastrous relationships, so hopefully, like you, it will be third-time lucky also :D

And if I could give any advice to someone in a similar predicament to mine it would be: stay calm, say as little as possible (e.g. don't get baited into sending sms when upset which can be manipulated and used against you later), quickly get over the hurt of what's been done to you (the legal system doesn't care about your feelings), before you do or say anything significant sleep on it (often the less said is the easiest mended), when the proceedings involve children in Family Court couch everything in the language of WHAT'S BEST FOR THE CHILDREN, be patient as the justice system moves slowly so you may have to accept unfavourable things for a while and never give up...

Best of luck .......

Hanna jaye

Well-Known Member
15 March 2019
To be frank I have no desire to fight the FVRO with the ex girlfriend. Like you I think its great that we cant contact each other. There is a reason I finished it with her so having an FVRO enforcing our non-contact is fine by me. I could be all upset about the lies about me having assaulted my ex-girlfriend but I have learned to just brush off such crap and focus on my children

My only concern is that not contesting the FVRO is how my ex-wife would try to spin it at Family Court.

My understanding is that a Conduct Agreement Order is the same as the FVRO i.e. the police can arrest me and I can go to jail if I breached the conditions. The only difference being that its given on a "without admission" basis. Therefore the ex-girlfriend gets the "protection" of the FVRO (I literally dont want to change one condition in the INTERIM FVRO) without it looking like I assaulted her.

I would have thought any magistrate would grant a Conduct Agreement Order as it "protects" the alleged victim without wasting the courts time or costing me and the alleged victim legal costs. But I don't know for sure.
What ever you do never consent to a order even on a without admission basis! It can and will be used against you! Call 1 8 0 0 FATHERS they will be your best hope of successful outcomes