VIC Family Law - Preventing Niece from Traveling with Her Mother?

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Jacinta Diaz

10 June 2016
My brother is currently in prison paying for his mistakes in Perth. His daughter was born here in Victoria in Feb 2016 and both his partner and the baby have been living with my mother.

She spent a month in Perth visiting my brother in prison and her family and while there, was using Ice. She is a drug addict and while she does not use while staying with my mother as soon as she leaves to go to Perth, she uses it again and we have no idea what is happening to my niece while she is in Perth.

My brother wants her to leave the baby with me and my mother while she goes to Perth but she will not. He is scared of what might be happening or might happen to his daughter while she is using.

What can I do to stop her from taking the baby with her under family law?


Well-Known Member
23 July 2014
I don't think you'll find much remedy from the Court unless you have evidence about the alleged drug use. Contact DHS and file a report so they can investigate if they see fit. You can also request a welfare check on the child by the police when she is in Perth. This will at least put something in writing that you're concerned so if things don't change, you can look at other options.
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Jacinta Diaz

10 June 2016
If reporting to DHS here and in Perth how can I request a welfare check from Victoria? Wouldn't that need to come from DHS in Perth?