QLD Removing name from birth cert QLD

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4 March 2018

So my partner has been in and out of court since 2010 since his ex manipulated him into believing her son was his.
This woman knew all along he wasn't, my partner has been suicidal at times because of the extent of his exs mental abuse as she is a narcissist and socia path and has struggled with alcohol abuse. We've had several Domestic Violence Orders against her and have reported several incidents to Department of children services but do you think they care unless it's physical abuse? NO
In 2014 when her son was 4 she msgd my partner DNA test results from the alleged bio dad notifying he was not her sons bio father basically threatening the bio dad and her will go to court to gain full rights.
Long story short it's now 2018, hubby has part custody and ever since 2014 when they have a disagreement she says something along the lines of "you're not his biological father anyway" and ALWAYS refers to her son as "MY" son never "our son" my partner's and hers even when she isn't in a bad mood. This is destroying him more and more each time, she's caused a slight disconnection between hubby and her son.
We have other kids together and this woman is pushing us both over the edge to where we feel like we're going to go mental because we just can't deal with being treated the way we do and we have to be mentally healthy for our other kids.
Not only this we have VERY different lifestyles and she refuses to coparent so we can gain some kind of balance. His behaviour is hard to deal with and negatively effects our household & kids..

My partner can't deal with this anymore as much as he's tried to gain a positive relationship with her for the child for several years but she just has so much hatred, anger and alot of problems only she can fix herself as she's early 30s.

He is now in the process of getting his name off the birth certificate and will be ordering a DNA test kit so she can't control him any longer, his bio dad can take on full responsibility and so he can have a normal, happy healthy life.

My question is, does anyone know the process to getting his name off the certificate once he's recieved DNA results in Queensland? Does he just apply to births deaths and marriages or?

Thanks all I appreciate it!
Please no negative comments this is a hard enough decision as it is, his life and mental health is at risk here.


Well-Known Member
23 July 2014
First of all, I am sorry for your situation. Dealing with a crazy ex under obligation is very hard, dealing with a crazy ex that you should never have had to deal with in the first place is even worse.

I would suggest calling Births, Deaths and Marriages to confirm, but I believe the form you will need is this one: Correct a certificate | Your rights, crime and the law | Queensland Government

It may require corroborating evidence from the ex about who the father is, but if she sent you the DNA test from bio dad, they might accept that.

But call BDM first, then let us know if they are going to require a court order. We can help more with that process.


4 March 2018
First of all, I am sorry for your situation. Dealing with a crazy ex under obligation is very hard, dealing with a crazy ex that you should never have had to deal with in the first place is even worse.

I would suggest calling Births, Deaths and Marriages to confirm, but I believe the form you will need is this one: Correct a certificate | Your rights, crime and the law | Queensland Government

It may require corroborating evidence from the ex about who the father is, but if she sent you the DNA test from bio dad, they might accept that.

But call BDM first, then let us know if they are going to require a court order. We can help more with that process.

Thanks for the response. We know exactly what the bio dads name is and what town/state he lives in thanks to her. His name is on the DNA test provided and hubby has had a conversation in the past with bio dad about this situation. The reality is this emotional stress shouldn't of been ours to deal with, it'll be upto him once things are finalised. Hubby will contact him and let him know what's happening, I'm sure he'll want to be more involved.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
I'm assuming he is paying child support for the child?
Are you still in contact with the child?

I'm so sorry you have found yourself in such an horrific situation.