Police Caution for 15yo Child after Sexual Act

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17 May 2015
My friend is 15 years old (let's call him James) and his friend is 12 years old (lets call him Aiden).

James asked Aiden for [Sexual Act]. Aiden agreed and did it. This all happened in Aiden's house. Later that day, when James left, Aiden's parents found out what they did. Now, James is in trouble with the Police and doesn't know what to do.

James and Aiden are really good friends, and hate leaving each other but the police told Aiden to move schools and not to have any contact with James. James is feeling really depressed about this.

James was talking about "Police Caution" and based on what happened, is he getting it? He's planning to admit to the police what he did.

In this case, would he get a caution? Or a warning? Would they be able to talk/hang with each other again?

Tim W

LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
28 April 2014
James will be lucky to escape prosecution for sexual assault on a child.

Thing is, neither of them is old enough (at law) to be able to consent - no matter if they use the words, no matter if they actually agree.
So, the act is unlawful by any measure, and is made worse (lawyers say "aggravated") by Aiden being so young.

You can expect everybody's parents to be involved - and to be very upset and angry.

One other thing - unless Aiden or James is really you, keep right out of it.
You can't help.


17 May 2015
Thank you, but they are really good friends of mine. Would anyone be required or suggested to move schools? Also, would James get a caution/warning for that? I really don't want any of them gone and also, i forgot to mention that no penetration happened. My friend told me that only hands were used...