VIC attempted murder, r**e and violence

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Karen Rowe

2 November 2018
I was victim to 20 years of severe domestic violence inncluding dozens of rapes hundreds of severe physical assaults and several attempted murder situations, this all occured in victoria between 1982 and 1996 then another 5 years in New South Wales. I am only now strong enough psychologically to do anything. Is it too late? He is a free man living in Queensland where I also live now. We have been separated for 15 years.
Kind Regards.


Well-Known Member
5 January 2018
I was victim to 20 years of severe domestic violence inncluding dozens of rapes hundreds of severe physical assaults and several attempted murder situations, this all occured in victoria between 1982 and 1996 then another 5 years in New South Wales. I am only now strong enough psychologically to do anything. Is it too late? He is a free man living in Queensland where I also live now. We have been separated for 15 years.
Kind Regards.

Sorry to hear your situation, it is hard and not easy to handle. my advice is talk to lawyer, asking here may not give you the best answer. You situation is important and needs to be dealt in a professional way.
Good luck.

Karen Rowe

2 November 2018
Sorry to hear your situation, it is hard and not easy to handle. my advice is talk to lawyer, asking here may not give you the best answer. You situation is important and needs to be dealt in a professional way.
Good luck.
Is there a statute of limitation in thi situation?


Well-Known Member
5 January 2018
Is there a statute of limitation in thi situation?

I am not a lawyer and in my opinion based on what I heard in the news, is no, as you can see people are being charged for such crimes, please don't take my word for it, contact a lawyer and I'm sure you will find one that provide free consultation if the finance is an issue.

Good luck.

Tony Danos

LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
29 November 2016
I was victim to 20 years of severe domestic violence inncluding dozens of rapes hundreds of severe physical assaults and several attempted murder situations, this all occured in victoria between 1982 and 1996 then another 5 years in New South Wales. I am only now strong enough psychologically to do anything. Is it too late? He is a free man living in Queensland where I also live now. We have been separated for 15 years.
Kind Regards.
There is no statute of limitations on charging so you would need to go to the police and take their advice about further action.


Well-Known Member
25 July 2018
Hi Karen, my sympathies on your situation. Tony is correct in that this is definately a matter for the Police.

With that said however, you need to give careful consideration to what lies ahead. I don't mean to discourage you, however while you beleive that you are strong enough to deal with this now, that may not turn out to be the case. If he is charged and pleads not guilty (which sounds likely to me), then with a case like this, it is highly unlikely that he will ever be convicted unless you testify in a criminal court - and that is going to be very hard on you.

I therefore have some recommendations that I hope will help you out:
1. Speak to a lawyer and/or a counselor to learn as much as you can about the legal and court processes and what will/may be expected of you. Any counselling service that specializes in domestic violence or particularly sexual abuse, should be able to provide a ton of information for you.
2. Consider all outcomes and whether or not you think you can deal with each and every outcome. Reporting to the Police is one thing - a conviction is something else entirely. You need to know going in that you'll be able to cope with an aquittal if that's how it turns out.
3. This is the most important one - before proceeding, make sure that you have a strong support base around you (family and close friends). You will definately need all the support you can muster when the time comes.

Don't rush into this decision - it's a big one. Consider everything carefully and if you decide that you're up to it and you know that you'll have the support you need, then you have all my best wishes when I say "go ahead and nail his a**e to wall."

Karen Rowe

2 November 2018
Hi Karen, my sympathies on your situation. Tony is correct in that this is definately a matter for the Police.

With that said however, you need to give careful consideration to what lies ahead. I don't mean to discourage you, however while you beleive that you are strong enough to deal with this now, that may not turn out to be the case. If he is charged and pleads not guilty (which sounds likely to me), then with a case like this, it is highly unlikely that he will ever be convicted unless you testify in a criminal court - and that is going to be very hard on you.

I therefore have some recommendations that I hope will help you out:
1. Speak to a lawyer and/or a counselor to learn as much as you can about the legal and court processes and what will/may be expected of you. Any counselling service that specializes in domestic violence or particularly sexual abuse, should be able to provide a ton of information for you.
2. Consider all outcomes and whether or not you think you can deal with each and every outcome. Reporting to the Police is one thing - a conviction is something else entirely. You need to know going in that you'll be able to cope with an aquittal if that's how it turns out.
3. This is the most important one - before proceeding, make sure that you have a strong support base around you (family and close friends). You will definately need all the support you can muster when the time comes.

Don't rush into this decision - it's a big one. Consider everything carefully and if you decide that you're up to it and you know that you'll have the support you need, then you have all my best wishes when I say "go ahead and nail his a**e to wall."

Thank you for your kind words of support and advice. I will take heed