NSW Advise for a friend/ recommondations

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Active Member
9 January 2017
Hopefully someone can help me - I have a co-worker and a friend he been through a bit of hell lately but worst is that his 16 yr old son has been arrested and charge for sexual assault.

He was arrested attended cour the next day and was refused bail. He has court next month for another bail hearing. Speaking to my friend he at a lost what to do, he heard his son story whom said it was consensual. Of course he going to believe his child and I am not here to say whom right or wrong. he said the detective were really awful in the process
I just need advice on what be best course of action - I said he needs to speak to a solicitor ASAP better yet a barrister.
If anyone has recommendation of legal assistance in the Penrith/blacktown area be great


Tim W

LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
28 April 2014
Your friend should speak to a solicitor who works in the field of criminal law, without delay.
He may care to use the "Find A Lawyer" function on the Law Society of NSW website,
or perhaps use this site's own facility.

His most efficient access to a barrister will be through the solicitor.

Your friend should note that the child will be the client.
And that means while that Dad gets to pay the bills,
paying the bills does not automatically give him (Dad)
sole and decisive say in how the matter is conducted.