VIC Suggestions for a lawyer experienced police misconduct & human rights sec20-25

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Sarah Jane020

Active Member
3 June 2018
Can someone recommend a lawyer that will help me fill in a victim impact statement and to ensure no more abuse of process occurs and ensure I get a fair trial
I was denied my right to call legal counsel and held for 24 hours without charge then my house searched not in line with police procedure, my property taken and no property receipt for 7 month and at the search of my property the police did this with without my permission there was a private property sign on the property and no warrant produced. The police refused to give me a warrant it took them producing 15 weeks to provide me an incomplete warrant and still waiting a year later
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Well-Known Member
7 September 2017
What State are you in? You're talking about a victim impact statement and then about getting a fair trial. Are you a complainant or a defendant? You need to provide a little bit more information and make it a bit logical. I'm having a little bit of trouble understanding what happened.

Sarah Jane020

Active Member
3 June 2018
What State are you in? You're talking about a victim impact statement and then about getting a fair trial. Are you a complainant or a defendant? You need to provide a little bit more information and make it a bit logical. I'm having a little bit of trouble understanding what happened.

thank you for your reply. I apologise for not being clear this is all new to me as I’ve never been involved in something of this nature before.

I would like to make a victim impact statement as this entire experience has traumatised me and my life has been torn apart. The police have not followed any protocol and as a result my life ruined which I would like to have an official record of to be able to submit in court. I am over 30 years old and have never had any involvent or dealings with police I have no criminal record hold a full drivers licence, I held a corporate job for 12 years in a national role but on the night I was arrested My human rights did not exist to the police and this was reflected by the below

The police entered and search my home with out my permission or producing a warrant. They can not do that unless there is someone in danger inside, invited or suspect someone that they hold a warrant for is insid

I requested a warrant daily from the police and it took 15 weeks for it to be provided to me.

They needed to provided me a property log / receipt of my property taken that day and had 7 days to apply to the court to keep it as evidence
It took 10 months for them to give me a property receipt

The Police advised me that they are allowed to deny my rights to phone a lawyer or a family member if they see fit which you can hear clearly on my interview tape

The police supervised my phone call to my lawyer which was finally granted 15 hours later and I had already been interviewed 3 times

I have face book messages from the police station senior sergeants daughter threatening me telling me game over for me because she was angry I was seeing her ex

The police claim to have found drugs at my house Police protocol is to take me to where they are found and ask for explanation so there is acknowledgment of the find and it’s location.
I was never shown anything and as per my videos I was made to sit and stay by the front door while they ran around my house for 2 hours.

I wasn’t told they had found drugs until aninterview 4 hours after the search and they couldnot tell me or show me the alleged 60grams theyfound and was told that “someone else has those photos”

There has been no forensic tests done on the alleged drugs so this substance they claim to be drugs may not even exist

And that is just a few of the long list of issues

The above reflect the police can do anything they like and you just pay the consequences so don’t make their children upset or you could face 10 years jail and there is nothing you can do about it

Tim W

LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
28 April 2014
I would like to make a victim impact statement as this entire experience has traumatised me and my life has been torn apart.
If you are the accused, then you are probably not somebody who gets to make a Victim Impact Statement.
This is because you are probably not both victim and offender.

Sarah Jane020

Active Member
3 June 2018
If you are the accused, then you are probably not somebody who gets to make a Victim Impact Statement.
This is because you are probably not both victim and offender.
That is correct I am the victim and instead of the police investigating the matter and reviewing all the videos and evidence I have that can prove my innocents they have just fabricated a story room advantage of their powers just so they get some one regardless of if it’s the right person or not
This is exactly what the human rights and responsibilities act was designed to protect the public from these kind of acts


Well-Known Member
7 September 2017
Wow. I've traveled to a few countries around the world where a person could tell a story of such mammoth proportions of Police corruption and non-compliance with rules and regulations and it wouldn't be surprising, but in Victoria, Australia? I find your story quite incredible, and I've had a lot to do with Police and can't understand how they could bend and twist the system to such an extent without themselves getting into trouble, a hell of a lot of trouble. In fact, if they went about things the way you say they have, 'Red Flags' would pop up throughout their investigation, drug lodgement and analysis and subsequent prosecution, if it got to that stage. Don't get me wrong. I'm not calling you a liar. I just find it quite incredible. If this all happened the way you say it did, and you have proof, as you say you do, I'd be making a bee-line immediately for the nearest Legal Aid Office or one of those solicitor's firms who will take on matters of injustice and who are happy to act 'pro bono' for you. However, as Bill Murray (I think) commented in your other thread that if there hasn't been a prosecution up to this date there may never be one (more or less). Either way, if this really happened, you should report the matter to someone who doesn't live in your town.


Well-Known Member
7 September 2017
Woops, I never read page two of your other thread, I should have and then I would have realised that Bill Murray and DMLegal gave you the brutal truth in their replies and I wouldn't have bothered to treat your post with 'kid gloves' or wasted my time. I find what you say incredibly confusing and yes, hard to believe, as in reality, very little of it could happen without the Police getting into some serious trouble. I wouldn't waste money on a taxi fare to your nearest Legal Aid Office as they'll probably tell you the same thing as Bill told you and which I must agree with. That's fifteen minutes of my life I'll never get back again.

Sarah Jane020

Active Member
3 June 2018
I have been trying to get legal aid and they won’t reply
The OPP office in Melbourne do not have a copy of my case
There hasn’t even been drug analysis done
This is my entire point
I can’t get anyone to listen and without money I can’t get a proper lawyer
I have plebidence of every single accusation I have made and would gladly show anyone who will take the time to sit down and talk to me to see it

Wow. I've traveled to a few countries around the world where a person could tell a story of such mammoth proportions of Police corruption and non-compliance with rules and regulations and it wouldn't be surprising, but in Victoria, Australia? I find your story quite incredible, and I've had a lot to do with Police and can't understand how they could bend and twist the system to such an extent without themselves getting into trouble, a hell of a lot of trouble. In fact, if they went about things the way you say they have, 'Red Flags' would pop up throughout their investigation, drug lodgement and analysis and subsequent prosecution, if it got to that stage. Don't get me wrong. I'm not calling you a liar. I just find it quite incredible. If this all happened the way you say it did, and you have proof, as you say you do, I'd be making a bee-line immediately for the nearest Legal Aid Office or one of those solicitor's firms who will take on matters of injustice and who are happy to act 'pro bono' for you. However, as Bill Murray (I think) commented in your other thread that if there hasn't been a prosecution up to this date there may never be one (more or less). Either way, if this really happened, you should report the matter to someone who doesn't live in your town.
ha r

Sarah Jane020

Active Member
3 June 2018
That is correct I am the victim and instead of the police investigating the matter and reviewing all the videos and evidence I have that can prove my innocents they have just fabricated a story room advantage of their powers just so they get some one regardless of if it’s the right person or not
This is exactly what the human rights and responsibilities act was designed to protect the public from these kind of acts

I will happily share 3 key videos with you to prove my statements if You can advise where to send them I am not sure how to upload them on here


Well-Known Member
7 September 2017
Sarah Jane, I honestly think you should let this go. Everything seems to point in the direction that you simply have nothing to answer to with the authorities and that you are just getting worked up over nothing. If you want to post your e-mail address I can get back to you there and give you some ideas on how to upload your videos, however, you need to consider the privacy aspect of doing that. Cheers!!