VIC Start New Business with Home Address - Register ABN and Business Name?

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Well-Known Member
14 May 2015
Hi, I am renting a unit now and I do not own any property. I have decided to open a bookkeeping firm of my own. I have thought of managing myself initially and later as the business grows to get an office and hire more people. At the starting stage, I do not want to spend too much on rent unless I will be getting enough work to cover my rent.

My lease agreement says "the premises of the property cannot be used for any other purposes than residential purposes".

My question is
1. Am I legally allowed to get an ABN and to register the business name with my rented unit's name (as this is my current address)?
2. Can I legally run my business from home? (There would be no clients coming home and there would no additional employee until I have an office)
3. If the above 2 are OK, can I issue flyers and start legally advertising my business. Do I mention my address on the flyers or avoid this?


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
Recommend you discuss your intentions informally with the agent in the first instance.

Most landlords do not want their residential premises turned into a factory or workshop :) and that's why you'll often see the no business use clause. Some landlords will not mind a bookkeeping business.


Well-Known Member
14 May 2015
Thank you Rod for the reply.

So is it illegal to use the address for registration of company name without the agents or landlords permission, if I don't use the premises for any kind of business activity.