QLD Lawyer and Process Server Trespassing to give me a ‘letter'

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Well-Known Member
23 October 2020
I guess we are going round in circles and I can not seem to get an answer to my questions other than your questions to my questions. All I wanted is help rather than criticism. Surely I am not thinking nor did I say that someone is going to say there you go here is money for you to fix the damages that I caused....not sure how you think or where you are coming from but you seem to be stalking with a chip on your shoulder. Perhaps this forum is not for you since you seem to like to attack rather than provide help.
You can find your answers here.
That you do not like them does not make them incorrect
I never said I don’t like them...so not sure where you got that from!!!

As I said you seem to like to attack rather than provide help. You are probably in the wrong forum. And if that is your normal behaviour whenever you provide help then from a psychologist point of you let me tell you that you need help. Actually a lot of help!


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
Suspect there is a language/cultural issue at play.

My view is that Tim has been helpful and answered the questions being asked.


Well-Known Member
23 October 2020
Thank you Rob. However, we did not ask for your view on such. It seems that lawyers are conspiring to cover each other’s back rather than provide advice to victims of lawyers and their behaviour and twisting of law and certainly order in this country. Appalling behaviour to say the least but that is what lawyers are known for.


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
Umm, actually you did ask.

I can understand that you dislike paying for legal advice, and your resentment to this blinds you to the free assistance you received here.

Good luck elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
23 October 2020
Ummmm, I actually never asked for your view nor that I care about what your view is.
I never said I disliked paying for legal advice. You seem to be confused. I do not like to pay for corrupted lawyers which seem to be everywhere. Lawyers are meant to have the best interest of their clients in heart but you seem more interested in protecting lawyers rather than people who are suffering from lawyer’s misconduct and behaviour....i.e. people who are victims of lawyers who charge the vulnerable then go on lavish holidays and live great lifestyles.


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
I actually never asked for your view

You actually did, see your first post. Below I've copied your questions to help you remember:

Is the lawyer allowed to withhold details of the process server?
Is the process server at fault for trespassing given the sign?

I never said I disliked paying for legal advice.
True. An unfair assumption on my part.

You seem to be confused.

you seem more interested in protecting lawyers rather than people who are suffering from lawyer’s misconduct and behaviour.
Not true. In fact I've been assisting someone, effectively pro bono, defend themselves against what they thought was excessive legal fees.

people who are victims of lawyers who charge the vulnerable then go on lavish holidays and live great lifestyles.
Hmm, definitely not me, never ever had a lavish holiday. Might be time to ask the boss for a raise.

I do not like to pay for corrupted lawyers which seem to be everywhere
While nobody does, your generalisation is without evidence. I also note that any Australian lawyer reading your post may see it as defamatory. Me - meh.

But I digress.

1. Is the lawyer allowed to withhold details of the process server?

2. Is the process server at fault for trespassing given the sign?
UNLIKELY. 'No trespass' signs cannot be used to circumvent a legal process. The question here is whether there is or will be a 'legal matter' to deal with.

Your follow up question relating to damages is, yes anyone damaging your property without legal authority is responsible for paying the damages - if it can be proven to the satisfaction of the court, not to your satisfaction.


Active Member
26 March 2022
I was under the impression that access to a person's front door was a legal requirement particularly in Victoria.

Utility companies have right of access to check meters.

Police have right of access with or without a warrant.

Council bi laws officers, the sheriff, RSPCA inspectors etc all have right of access. Once at your door you have the right to refuse entry. Is this correct?


Well-Known Member
23 October 2020
It seems that anybody can access your property and cause damages and get away with it. The onus are on you to prove that they have entered your property and caused damages....it seems that living in Australia is like living in the wild wild west;)


Active Member
26 March 2022
If you dont like Australia you are welcome to leave anytime you want. The Ukraine looks nice this time of year. Afghanistan is under new management. China has an outstanding humanitarian program particularly focused on its minority groups. Maybe these alternatives would suit your Vexatious outlook better?


Well-Known Member
23 October 2020
If you dont like Australia you are welcome to leave anytime you want. The Ukraine looks nice this time of year. Afghanistan is under new management. China has an outstanding humanitarian program particularly focused on its minority groups. Maybe these alternatives would suit your Vexatious outlook better?
Thank you so much for the recommendations...but unfortunately those places are full of Australians. Anywhere else you could recommend that has less Australians (preferably none)? Seriously considering my options but since I am an Australia (unfortunate) I am finding it so difficult to be accepted anywhere else in the world. It seems Australia is made for Aussie to rot in it alone and away from the rest of the world (smell is bad)