When it comes to trademark infringement, copyright infringement is frequently exploited, which is exactly what a lot of homemade business owners and Etsy sellers do when selling Disney, Hello Kitty, or Star Wars merchandise.
Copyright is a type of intellectual property that includes things like language, drawings, books, music, methods, and machines. Intellectual property is protected by trademarks, copyrights, and patents.
You are not needed by law to register a trademark, copyright, or patent; but, you must not infringe on the intellectual property of others.
Registering a trademark for your logo or designs, a copyright for your written work, or a patent for your innovation gives you additional protection and makes it easier to prove ownership and pursue legal action (if you choose).
Unfortunately, major retailers such as Old Navy, Zara, and Forever 21 routinely plagiarise the work of independent designers.
Handmade business owners, on the other hand, are more likely to infringe on big firms' intellectual property.
Etsy is full of crocheted Disney characters, NFL trademark merchandise, and Star Wars-themed fabric, among other things.
It is not lawful to sell these things just because another business owner is doing so.
If you want to sell things that look like Disney characters or utilise Disney-themed fabric, you'll need to get a licencing agreement. The company that made the fabric would have (or should have) bought the licencing rights from Disney to do so, but that agreement does not transfer to you, and you're probably only allowed to use it for personal use. But yes it would be better if you consult with
trademarking lawyers for better understanding of such situation.