Hi. I don't know where to go now. I have a medical legal problem. to make this short, my son had very bad in-turned feet. The surgeon, at Townsville Hospital, cut his Tibias in half and rotated his feet out to put them in a normal position. Unfortunately, he turned the Right foot out well past where the left one was placed, about 25deg more. He had difficulty walking so the Surgeons did more surgery and put a big screw in his foot. This also did not work so we had to go to the Specialist in Brisbane who said he needed corrective surgery to fix the botched job that the initial surgeons did and to get rid of the screw as he felt this was doing more harm than good. We had to pay out of pocket for this.
Now, we went to the Health Omsbudman. They decided that the surgeons did wrong and took the complaint to conciliation. APHRA also said the surgeons did something wrong and have an investigation going against the 2 surgeons. After 1 year, the OHO still couldn't get a 3rd independent review for the case. We had 2 surgeons here who wrote letters against the Surgeons. After the year, the Hospital came back and just said they didn't want to participate in conciliation and there is nothing we can do about that. We are left with nothing at this point. Don't know where to go.
I have gone to 2 different law firms but since my son seems to be ok at this time they said it wasn't something they would take for medical negligence. Not enough in compensation for them is probably why.
We just want someone to take responsibility for what was done and to pay us for what we had to pay out of pocket to correct the surgery bad surgery done on my son.
Any legal way I can go? Small claims tribunal? Civil law suit?
Now, we went to the Health Omsbudman. They decided that the surgeons did wrong and took the complaint to conciliation. APHRA also said the surgeons did something wrong and have an investigation going against the 2 surgeons. After 1 year, the OHO still couldn't get a 3rd independent review for the case. We had 2 surgeons here who wrote letters against the Surgeons. After the year, the Hospital came back and just said they didn't want to participate in conciliation and there is nothing we can do about that. We are left with nothing at this point. Don't know where to go.
I have gone to 2 different law firms but since my son seems to be ok at this time they said it wasn't something they would take for medical negligence. Not enough in compensation for them is probably why.
We just want someone to take responsibility for what was done and to pay us for what we had to pay out of pocket to correct the surgery bad surgery done on my son.
Any legal way I can go? Small claims tribunal? Civil law suit?