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A road is a thoroughfare, route, or way on land between two places that has been paved or otherwise improved to allow travel by foot or some form of conveyance, including a motor vehicle, cart, bicycle, or horse.
Roads consist of one or two roadways (British English: carriageways), each with one or more lanes and any associated sidewalks (British English: pavement) and road verges. There is sometimes a bike path. Other names for roads include parkways, avenues, freeways, tollways, interstates, highways, or primary, secondary, and tertiary local roads.

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  1. M

    NSW Easment right of access road and its maintenance

    I am the owner of a property that has a private road that is used by 3 other neighbours. My property is the one furthest away from the public road and appears on my title deed. My question is one of maintenance and liability, specifically am I financially and legally responsible for any repairs...
  2. V

    QLD Fighting Infringement - fail to give way to a vehicle when entering road from road related area/adjacent land

    Morning team. Recently I was leaving a carpark from a library onto a backstreet. Vision was non existent due to cars parked either side of the driveway making it the street that narrow that only one car could pass. I very gently crept out until I could safely see before pulling out. Upon...
  3. C

    QLD Enforced easement, road access, Queensland.

    My neighbour is trying to force a easement on my property. Both properties over 100 acres. His property is not land locked, he has been using access through my property since 2004 so not prespective. I have had the property for a year and informed him on my first day, first meeting I did not...
  4. L

    NSW I own a property in NSW with a Right of Carriageway benefitting my neighbour.

    I own a property in NSW with a Right of Carriageway benefitting my neighbour. This Right of Carriageway has not been used for 20 odd years. The neighbour is about to start construction of a road which I have no objection to watsoever. However, I am keen to have the Right of Carriageway moved...
  5. D

    NSW Is it illegal to put semi-permanant markings on a road?

    Before moving into a property in a new estate i noticed a large area of painted and semi-concreted markings on the road outside an adjacent empty block that looked like a form of hopscotch. Worked out that it was created by the kids living in the street. Now as we move into school holidays i'm...
  6. meldiana

    NSW Road

  7. S

    Unregistered/ Uninsured vehicle driven in Road without knowledge

    My vehicle was accidentally registered for 1 years instead of 3 months as usual, so I asked for refund so that I could register for 3 months only. When they refunded they deduced some amount I was in the impression that was for the month registration fee. When I was driving in Adelaide I was...
  8. F

    QLD road reserve liability

    if as councils and main road dept are right that a road reserve used as a driveway /access to a property is the property owners responceability to maintain ( though the road reserve does not belong to the property owner) who is open to a law suit and could it also fall under 3rd party as well as...
  9. F

    QLD road reserve

    can anyone tell me the max width of the road reserve on local council roads in qld ie , from edge of rd formation to end of reserve
  10. F

    QLD road reserve or gazetted road and who does repairs

    hi.. have a property in qld where the road in front was straightent in the 1950s leaving no car entry to my property due to a high embankment ,in 1986 a small portion of property next door was resumed by the council for rd use and is on the survey maps , prior to which the car access was in the...