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Injury, also known as physical trauma, is damage to the body caused by external force. This may be caused by accidents, falls, hits, weapons, and other causes. Major trauma is injury that has the potential to cause prolonged disability or death.
In 2013, 4.8 million people world-wide died from injuries, up from 4.3 million in 1990. More than 30% of these deaths were transport-related injuries. In 2013, 367,000 children under the age of five died from injuries, down from 766,000 in 1990. Injuries are the cause of 9% of all deaths, and are the sixth-leading cause of death in the world.

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  1. A

    VIC Workplace injury and work cover claim

    I work at a supermarket as a casual facing the grocery aisles and removing all empty boxes and removing misplaced and damaged stock (easier said than done as the amount of theft and empty wrappers/packages is unimaginable,you would think cctv would deter theft but no!). I was getting an...
  2. A

    VIC Injury in supermarket question similar to other posts but not quite...

    I am a grocery team member in a supermarket and usually move around rollcages with stock on them. My manager is strict in that only a certain height of stock is allowed and can only be pushed, not pulled, to enable to see where you are going. Today a middle aged Asian man (not that ethnicity is...
  3. D

    QLD Personal Injury Law.

    After nearly 13 years of putting up with a abusive neighbour and slander, Id like to look at perusing damage. My son has Autism with cognitive delays/regulating emotions so his exposure to this nonsense for so long has taken its toll, my other son is depressed, socially anxious and I myself...
  4. Henry Williams

    VIC Do I have a medical negligence case? Permanent Injury caused.

    So I had received involuntary psychiatric treatment, which consisted of long acting injectable antipsychotics for a period of 2 years. within a few months of being on them I developed a tremor which gradually got worse and worse especially under stress and physical exertion. I also developed...
  5. N

    Tradie Suing for Psychological Injury

    Hello, looking for some help. I have a tradie that worked on my private property. Long story short I am taking him to VCAT due to defective work. I am also leaving a google review with a third party defects report. He said he will be suing me for causing him distress, defamation and harassment...
  6. L

    VIC Injury from Gym by rhabdomyolysis

    Hello, I have been diagnosed in hospital with rhabdomyolysis. I recently joined a Gym and did a intense workout class however was feeling unwell and went to ED. Do I have a case to sue the Gym program for the Injury and exposure to risk of kidney failure?
  7. W

    VIC Rare condition after injury at home. Should I use a lawyer for TPD claim?

    I had a terrible accident at home in 2019 and have been unable to work for 18 months now. I have developed a rare condition called Corneal Neuralgia (chronic and intense burning in the eyes and light sensitivity), which is very poorly understood and not widely recognised (although I do have...
  8. V

    Injury from Relationship and how damages are considered during Property Settlement

    I was injured during my relationship with my ex. I was his full time carer and suffered vertebrae injury that persists today. I also suffered psychological injury that is long term now. I suffer pain and I’m not able to work full time and have expected medical costs related to the i furies. We...
  9. G


    Hi, I have a claim going resulting from a car accident 4 years ago. My solicitor had an offer of settlement from the other insurance company but never told me. She refused the offer on my behalf it seems, then advised me go to a CARS meeting to try to get a bigger settlement. This was not to my...
  10. J

    WA Personal Injury in a public space

    Hi All, I have been doing a bit of research on a personal injury matter. I have discussed with a friend the possible legal ramifications of an incident that occurred earlier this year. I have spoken to legal aid/the council/citizens advice at this stage but have not been given anything that...