QLD Online Copyright and New Data Retention Laws Help?

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16 April 2015
With the laws being passed recently and the Dallas Buyers Club 'fines', what exactly is safe to browse/download online? For instance, is it ok to stream movies? Furthermore, is downloading without sharing (seeding) acceptable or is this also a breach of copyright?

I appreciate any information that can be given on this topic :)


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
It has never been legal to download copyrighted material you have not paid for. The issue has always been how to catch and prosecute people.

I believe the new Data retention law cannot be used to prosecute civil cases.

I haven't kept up-to-date on the changes to copyright law but I understand the US companies want to turn illegal downloading into a crime so it can be prosecuted under more draconian laws. If that happens then it is possible data retained under the so called 'metadata retention act' may be able to be used by Australian criminal law enforcement agencies to prosecute illegal downloaders.

Sad to see the Government pandering to foreign business interests and not looking after its own citizens. So far the courts appear to be taking a reasonable line on prosecutions but this can't continue if new laws come into play.


Active Member
1 May 2014
With the laws being passed recently and the Dallas Buyers Club 'fines', what exactly is safe to browse/download online? For instance, is it ok to stream movies? Furthermore, is downloading without sharing (seeding) acceptable or is this also a breach of copyright?

I appreciate any information that can be given on this topic :)

it can be daunting but there is information out there but please every one that I wore about there rights and privacy online should be using a vpn (virtual private network) which cost about 3 bucks a month when this software I turned on it makes up a bogus ip addres it also encrypts all your data twice so no body can see what you are doing get the right vpn and it will hide your data even from your isp like Telstra e.c.t so they cant even see what you are doing its the safest way to use the internet including net banking So if worrying that much sign up to some one like private internet access if you google them it will come up and they tell u in more detail what they can offer but a1 for vpn


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
makes up a bogus ip addres

Not technically correct. You do get a valid IP address, just one not directly linked to your internet service. There's a good chance the VPN provider keeps logs and can be forced to divulge your real IP address. The data is certainly well encrypted :)

Big brother can watch, just depends on how much effort they need to put in to watching you. Inter-country co-operation at present is only done when the reward is worth the effort.
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