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*aaS is an acronym for as a service (e.g., X as a service), and refers to something being made available to a customer as a service, always in the context of cloud computing.

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  1. A

    NSW STRATA SCHEMES MANAGEMENT ACT 2015 - SECT 22 - Address for Service of Notices

    Hi All, I purchased an investment property within the past year. I have recently learnt that I have not been receiving the Strata Levies and have now accrued punitive financial fees as a result which I've just paid. I had previously thought, "I haven't received any strata bills yet," but assumed...
  2. T

    Make your CIPD assignment outshine others with the help of amazing online service

    In case of any academic problem, CIPD online service is a solution for students. Our team has the world's top CIPD Experts UK who enable impossible grades for students. Our high-quality content is the most ideal for any institute. We fulfill all the requirements provided by the institute...
  3. W

    WA How to enforce a Fair Work Commission settlement agreement condition

    How do I go about getting a Fair Work Commission settlement agreement enforced in Western Australia? As a casual employee with a company claiming ISO 9001 Quality accreditation, I took the employer to the Fair Work Commission for an unfair dismissal and a settlement agreement was reached. A...
  4. P

    Long Service leave not paid after 11 years of continous service

  5. W

    NSW Long Service Leave

    I have recently resigned from my job after being there for 5 and 1/2 years. I was suspended on full pay by the company while they were investigating claims of harassment and misconduct. After a month on suspension, I resigned because I felt that the investigation was just a way to get rid of me...
  6. J

    QLD Long Service Leave - pro rata entitlements

    I’ve been working 8.5 years continuously for the one employer in the aged care sector, firstly on a casual part time basis and then permanent part time. I am 68 years old and receive a part pension. I’ve requested through my Dr that I be excused from strenuous manual handling services which may...
  7. J

    Pro-rata Long Service Leave - Qld

    I’ve been working 8.5 years continuously for the one employer in the aged care sector, firstly on a casual part time basis and then permanent part time. I am 68 years old and receive a part pension. I’ve requested through my Dr that I be excused from strenuous manual handling services which may...
  8. Jaffasoft

    VIC AMPOL Service Station Negligence Claim?

    I put AdBlue in my Motorhome and blew the engine causing 6-7k in damages. I've driven into a local AMPOL Service Station and put 6 litres of AdBlue in my diesel coaster motorhome. I was unsure what the fuel was, I walked in and asked the service station attendant what it was..., "could I have...
  9. O

    VIC Acknowledgement service form not returned

    Hi all, I started an application for Parenting Orders (interim & final) with the Federal Circuit Court. I served my ex's lawyer with a copy of the application and an acknowledgement service form. The lawyer previously indicated that she would accept service on my ex's behalf. It has been a week...
  10. T

    Bankruptcy Notice - Debtor disputes service date

    Hello, I have served a Creditor's Petition on the debtor , after obtaining an order for Substituted Service, however the debtor disputes the date of service of the Bankruptcy Notice. He claims that it was 2 weeks after the actual service date. My question is: If the Registrar believes the...