corporations act

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The Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (the Corporations Act, or CA 2001) is an Act of the Commonwealth of Australia which sets out the laws dealing with business entities in Australia at federal and interstate level. It deals primarily with companies but also with other entities, such as partnerships and managed investment schemes. The Act is the primary basis of Australian corporations law.
The Corporate Law Economic Reform Program Act 2004 simplified the statute, which, at 3,354 pages, dwarfs those of other nations such as Sweden, whose corporations statute is less than 200 pages long.
The Corporations Act is the principal legislation regulating companies in Australia. It regulates matters such as the formation and operation of companies (in conjunction with a constitution that may be adopted by a company), duties of officers, takeovers and fundraising.

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  1. S

    VIC New Section 17A in Owners Corporations Act - What does it really mean?

    New Section 17A reads: 17A Water on common property (1) Any rainwater or other water that falls, occurs or flows on the common property (otherwise than in a waterway or a bore) is taken to be part of the common property. (2) For the purposes of section 8(4)(c) of the Water...
  2. P

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  3. Skateboard

    VIC Corporations Act offence

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  4. Eric Huynh

    The connection between accounting standards and the Corporations Act - Corporate Law

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  5. A

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  6. A

    Associated Entities - Corporations Act

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  7. J

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  8. adro

    Remedies for breach of Corporations Act, replaceable rules and constitution?

    I want to ask that what are the remedies for: -Breach of constitution and replaceable rules? Is it only count as a breach of contract? How should we sue? -Violation of a specific section in Corporations Act 2001, for example, what happens when a small proprietary company (who use a...
  9. F

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  10. F

    VIC Corporations Act: Can an Old Board prevent a New Board from Sitting?

    Hi, I have a general Corporations Act set of questions relating to handovers from Old Boards to New Boards: Say that members of an organisation subject to the Corporations Act vote OUT an old Board (i.e. a "coup" as some call it)... Can this "old Board" prevent the new Board members from...