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FREE - Join Now is a travel fare aggregator website and travel metasearch engine for lodging reservations. It is owned and operated by and is the primary revenue source of United States-based Booking Holdings. is headquartered in Amsterdam.The website has more than 29,094,365 listings in 143,172 destinations in 195 countries and territories worldwide. Each day more than 1,550,000 room nights are reserved on the website. The site is available in 43 languages. Their slogan is "Homes, houses and everything in between", although in commercials it is " Booking.yeah".

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  1. J

    QLD Confirmation Letter from Holiday Accommodation Legally Binding - Australian Consumer Law?

    Friends and I have a sporting event to attend so a month ago. We booked a holiday apartment in Broadbeach QLD for 15 nights in May. We booked through, and received a full confirmation including price from them. Now they have emailed and said that they made a mistake in the price...