Many thanks for everyone’s advice. I truly appreciate it. GlassHalfFull I also really appreciate those suggestions of what to bring up in mediation, and to answer your questions from earlier:
- I’m currently still on maternity leave but going back to my job next month, most likely part-time
- I’m living In Sydney
- I’ve got full family support from my parents
- My ex works full time
- While he’s been working our son has been with a nanny, pretty much all day. This is causing me a lot of distress, as I have been not working and could be looking after him during that time
- If our son was with me and I returned to work, then he would probably be looked after by my mum in my home during the day
- If my ex were the sole carer, I presume our son would be with a nanny as my ex doesn’t have any family in Sydney
I am waiting for the mediation where I am hoping to suggest 50/50 care, with a set schedule. I really don’t want to inflame things, I just want some routine and structure, so we know where our son will be each day and with whom. I know this will be better for our son too. I am also acknowledging my mental health issues and my commitment to staying well. But at the moment I have no idea where our son will be tomorrow, or the next day, or the next week as there is no schedule and this distresses me greatly. I am really hoping my ex will listen to this and we can come to some agreement and a firm, detailed parenting plan. Does this sound reasonable?
50/50 is really important to me, but my ex continues to refuse me more than three days a week, last week he didn't let me see him for five days in a row and I was beside myself with distress. I’m not really sure why and what difference the extra day/fortnight makes to him? He seems determined to keep me under 50% and has stated as such. He says the maximum he will agree to, indefinitely (and even if my mental health is stable) is 60/40. He says depression is a 'lifelong' illness. Does that mean all depressed parents can't be trusted to look after their kids 50/50?
I am really worried if that mediation fails, and my ex refuses to let me have the extra day per fortnight, or if he tries to cut my time down further, then how long it would be between filing and getting interim orders? I talked to a lawyer and they said about a year. Is this true? It sounds horrible, plus our son will be much older and his infancy gone. What happens between filing and interim orders? Is it left between the parents?